Surgery - the gift that keeps on giving

2 minute read time.


As we approach another festive period, my thoughts return to this time 4 years ago.  I had been diagnosed with metastatic neuroendocrine Cancer a few months before and that it was incurable. However, with 'debulking' surgery my prognosis could be significantly improved.  In fact, Neuroendocrine cancers are one of a small number of tumours for which surgical debulking confers some survival advantage.  Another term used at the time was 'cytoreductive' surgery which means 'to control symptoms and improve survival by removing or destroying disseminated tumour metastases'.  Less neuroendocrine tumours should result in lower secretions of specific hormones which in turn should decrease the effects of Carcinoid Syndrome from which I was suffering at presentation.  Four years on, I'm alive and kicking and don't feel too bad at all!

At christmas time 2010, I had been out of hospital for just over 3 weeks following my first major surgery  where I woke up on NET Cancer day (true story, I actually did!).  The 9 hour operation was planned to debulk what was described as "extensive intra-abdominal neuroendocrine disease".  The operation comprised the removal of 3 feet of small intestine at the terminal ilium plus a right hemicolectomy, a mesenteric root dissection taking out the nodes on the superior mesenteric artery and a mesenteric vein reconstruction.  With the assistance of a vascular surgeon, my NET surgeon also dissected out a dense fibrotic retro-peritoneal reaction which had encircled my aorta and cava (almost occluding the latter).  This was a risky procedure but 270º clearance was achieved.  Although it was known I had liver metastases and some distant 'hotspots', those were to be tackled at a later stage.

I don't recall what the plans were for christmas that year but everything was changed so that it could be hosted at home organised by my ‘right-hand’ woman – Chris.  It was a good plan, as I just wouldn't have been able to go elsewhere.  My 3 grandsons  (I have 4 now !) were under strict orders not to jump on me.  However, I suspect the youngest who was not yet 2 years old at the time, didn't really understand :-)  I may not be rich, but I do have priceless grandchildren!

Not long after the present exchanging and the meal, I was so exhausted that I laid down and fell asleep immediately as a hint that I should be left alone for a bit!   I thoroughly enjoyed the day and it functioned as a medicine along with the many others I was taking at the time. It also reminded me that I have a lot to live for.

thank you for reading.

with festive thanks to all my readers at this very special time of year.


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Finally, please note this post contains my own views and opinions and should not be substituted for professional medical advice.  The contents of this blog post does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of my medical team or any Cancer or Charity organisation with which I’m associated.

