Stop talking about it, just go do it!

2 minute read time.

"yes, we must do this one day ......." and then we don't! We're all guilty of it aren't we?

For years Chris and I have discussed travelling around the coast of Scotland and we're just back from a fantastic holiday where we saw some wonderful scenery. And we did the Edinburgh Tattoo on the way there! Yet another ....... "we must do this one day......."

I've even decided that looking at this wonderful scenery is a form of medicine and a way to be inspired to do more. Admittedly we were motivated by the recent declaration of the new "North Coast 500" campaign which fortunately and timely sparked us into gear.

As a patient with incurable cancer, life can be tough on the body and mind. However, I've no intention of laying back waiting to shuffle off this mortal coil. As far as I'm concerned that just leads to lethargy and all that goes with it.

Stop talking about it, just go do it!

I don't do poetry but I thought this quite apt as I stood by a stone monument in the Cairngorms engraved with this on four sides.  The orange structures in the picture are places to sit and 'behold'

Take a moment to behold

As still skies or storms unfold

In sun, rain, sleet or snow

Warm your soul before you go

Cairngorms viewing point

Thanks for listening


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