Screw that diagnosis and get on with it!

1 minute read time.

Every now and then I see a positive story during my travels around the internet.  When I saw this one from Kelly in Pennsylvania, I had to share.  If you're feeling a little bit down and need cheering up, dig out this blog and take a read :-)

Kelly wrote:

"I began my Carcinoid journey about 7 years ago, newly married to a wonderful man and his daughter at the age of 43.  I was also newly retired (from CPA and also Large Animal/Equine Surgical Veterinary Assistant) and was looking forward to a nice, peaceful, fun, loooong life.

But, things get in the way and can get bumpy - cancer, being one of them (and a now, 16yo hormonal female teenager).  I took my diagnosis, thought about it for awhile, hung out on the sofa...ate a few bonbons and then, pulled my head out of my a**.  I went back to work as a Patient Care Assistant at our local hospital (feeling the need to go "medical career" again), trying to figure out what to do next - needing to get my outrageous health insurance premium off my husband's back.  I was pissed, I had to go back to work, I had CANCER, for God's sake - I should be looking into disability or anything that will bear this burden - but, I was well enough to bear it myself.

Continued to pull my head out of my a** and decided to pursue a career as a Registered Nurse, knowing that I, at the ripe age of (now) 53, still had a whole boatload of stuff to offer.  So, 4 years ago, I strapped my pump (yes, I'm a "pumper") and my ‘kahoonas’ on and I went back to school full-time, working part-time, raised my hormonal daughter, rode my (new) gloriously wonderful old Off the Track, Thoroughbred "Gryphon", got my Harleys back out and got my game on.

Yesterday, I sat for the Pennsylvania State Nursing Board test and today....I found out that I PASSED!  I am now officially, Kelly ******** RN

If you've got the health (screw that diagnosis) and you've got the need to make a change - MAKE IT and make it count!  As of 15 minutes ago...I applied for an Oncology Nurse position :-) "

Well done Kelly!

Thanks for reading

My Diagnosis and Treatment History

