Please vote for my blog

1 minute read time.

Hi there - I've been nominated for 6 awards in the WEGO Health Activist Awards 2016.  The 6 categories are:

Best in Show Blog

Best in Show Facebook

Best in Show Twitter

Health Activist Hero

Rookie of the Year

Best Community

Many of my blogs are on this community site and many of them reference back to Macmillan.  My home page also contains references to Macmillan who featured some of my blogs as a guest.  I hope you will take a look and consider endorsing my award nominations here:

When you click on the link, find the "Endorse Ronny Allan" button which is just below my profile picture. Clicking on the Endorse button will take you to the box containing a drop down of all of my 6 nominations. You need only complete your details once and then you can select each nomination you are happy to endorse me for in turn and submitting as necessary. There is an intermediate step asking you to share your ...nomination - this is entirely up to you, if you share or click to close that window, it will take you back to the endorsing section with your details completed ready for the next of the 6 nominations. Hope you can help me by nominating me for as many as you feel comfortable with!

Thanks for your continuing support and understanding. If you share, please try to retain my post with the link below as this will make it easy for others to work it out!

#netcancer #wego #HAAwards #blogging
