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1 minute read time.


I've made no secret of the fact that I don't believe Neuroendocrine Cancer is rare and you can read why in some detail in my blog Neuroendocrine Cancer - not as rare as you think.  Even today people are quoting SEER figures dated 2004 for today's incidence rates.  'Do the math' please!

Meanwhile...... the figures from Public Health England (covering ~90% of UK), indicates there are now 4000 diagnoses of NETs every year, i.e. more people than ever are being diagnosed. This would appear to debunk the myth that my condition is rare given that incidence rate has now gone beyond the threshold to be considered rare.  You can read the Public Health England (PHE) paper by visiting the NET Patient Foundation site here.

To put this diagnostic data into perspective, I'm quoting some calculations from Nikie, the NPF's NET Nurse:

4000 newly diagnosed NETs a year in England alone

= 333 a month

= 77 a week

= 11 a day

= 1 every 2.18 hrs

So please let's stop perpetuating the myth.

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