1 minute read time.

Most people with an incurable Cancer will go through both good and bad periods.  I quite liked a quote by fellow patient Karen who described that as the 'ebb and flow' of living with cancer and said the flow would always return at some point.  When I wrote my blog "Living with Neuroendocrine Cancer - it takes guts", that wasn't me being one of those trendy bloggers saying the sort of things people want to hear. Neither was it an attempt to invoke some sort of 'pity party'. Neither of those things are my style - I meant every word.

Despite my positive sounding blogs and my generally focused and determined nature, I've had bad periods where I felt I wasn't coping well with living with cancer and living normally. I've lost count of the number of times I'd planned to do something and then put if off for various reasons.  It's really easy to become almost permanently inactive and lethargic and that is not a good outcome.  I'm perked up when I read stories of patients trying to change or improve their outcome - even simple day to day things, in an attempt to get back to normality.  Speed is not essential, the direction is.  Last week I met a cancer patient in her 80s who runs 2-3 miles every day.  Even if that lady didn't have cancer, I would still be astonished and in awe.

'It's the cancer' - this can sometimes seem like the perfect reason to say 'I cannot'.  However, I try not to use it too much.


Thanks for reading

Ronny Allan

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