Cutting hair

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Well a conversation at tea has blown me away ...........My eldest son who is 23 and AS has said if his dad is too loose his hair .He will loose his too. well this is the lad that only had it cut once or twice since he was 15 yrs old. So his hair is long. He now wants me to find out about it being cut and sold for wig making .... nanaboo
  • FormerMember

    What an amazing and supportive young man, you must be very proud bless him!

    Indie xx

  • FormerMember


    what a good support he is, good luck with the hair cut!!!


  • FormerMember

    thats a lovely gesture, my sis said she would shave hers when mine went and i laughed cos she has the same long curly hair as me, i told her not to be silly, it was a lovely thought though, it would`ve looked funny when we were together but she would have had to go out alone sometimes lol,  sweet !!! good luck, liz xxx

  • FormerMember

    Well nanaboo    your blog made me cry.  Such a lovely gesture your son is offering to make.    He could even get people to sponsor him to have his hair cut and that way he would be doubling his supportive efforts.   If he decides to do that get him to go on  where he can make a webpage for people to make donations.    Not quite sure how it works or if you have to affiliate to a charity.     (My son is being sponsored for the local hospice).  Anyway,  I was extremely touched by this loving and supportive thought.   Good luck to him and all of you.  Take care x x x

  • FormerMember

    Nana, what a lovely thing to say! good for him, that must make you both feel so proud!

    H xxx