feeling low`

1 minute read time.

well where do i begin ive got my plastic surgeon appointment next week finally and then i can move forward as to what is going to happen and when. at the mo feel like im in suspended land just wating for appointments and everything is having to wait till we get the date.

 im not having a go at anyonebut the other day i made the comment on chat that i was bothered about the scarring after as its on my face very prominent and that whilst not vain i dont wear makeup, but have always had a good complextion, one reply was that they would give anything just to have a scar instead of what they were going through. and whilst i appreaciate that my skin cancer is not life limiting it is still a huge shock to me and that im dealing with it best i can, i cant imagine how people who know theirs is terminal cope, but it made me feel really shallow and im sure that this was not how it was meant to be, but it has been on my mind a while now and i have to get it off my chest.


i am trying to be possitive about the cancer and i know that there are many people far far worse than me but i still have cancer even if it can be cut away.


Sorry to waffle but  needed to air things.i hope i dont u[set anyone by this blog it is not meant to offend but to put my side across


thanks for reading hopefully i will be seeing a rosier picture soon



  • FormerMember

    Hello Purple

    I know exactly what you mean.  During my treatment (breast cancer) I was so low that the only thing that would cheer me up was............... make up!  I never used make up before cancer and here was I, age 52 experimenting with eye liners and sparkly lip stick.  Oh yes.  Christmas day and I was told to either remove the sparkle from my lips or no Christmas kiss!  Eventurally, months after treatment and with all visible effects covered by cloths I got my confidence back - and make up more suitable to my now 53 years!  Please don't let others make you feel low - cancer is bad enough.  I'm sure that after your op and treatment, your confidence will eventually come back.  Btw, if you get a chance to go to an event with Look Good Feel Better (beauty industry charity) you may like to consider.  Sorry, cannot attach the web address but if you google it they are the first name to appear.

    Best wishes

    Georgia X

  • FormerMember

    dear purple, i have a problem which gives me the exact feelings that you have had and are having now. I am really glad to read that you are getting the help you need, do not take notice of some peoples comments, we have all felt at some stage the rage and anger and of course frustration, that our individual journeys through this illness brings us to, and this site is of course, an outlet for us all, i personally think it helps ( the site) i wish i had the internet at an earlier stage of my treatment i would have been wiser. so dont upset yourself. GOOD LUCK, an heres to LOOKING GOOD. warmest wishes from ski x

  • FormerMember

    thank you all for your lovely comments it means a lot to me, i will try and take on board all your positivity, i would like to wish you all well on your journeys too.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Purple,

    You could never offend anyone on this site.We all try and except that we have different kinds of Cancer and that one day it will come back and bite us on the Bum. Thats why we are a Family and stick together no matter what so if you want to talk or just need company this is the place to be. Welcome.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xxx