feeling low`

1 minute read time.

well where do i begin ive got my plastic surgeon appointment next week finally and then i can move forward as to what is going to happen and when. at the mo feel like im in suspended land just wating for appointments and everything is having to wait till we get the date.

 im not having a go at anyonebut the other day i made the comment on chat that i was bothered about the scarring after as its on my face very prominent and that whilst not vain i dont wear makeup, but have always had a good complextion, one reply was that they would give anything just to have a scar instead of what they were going through. and whilst i appreaciate that my skin cancer is not life limiting it is still a huge shock to me and that im dealing with it best i can, i cant imagine how people who know theirs is terminal cope, but it made me feel really shallow and im sure that this was not how it was meant to be, but it has been on my mind a while now and i have to get it off my chest.


i am trying to be possitive about the cancer and i know that there are many people far far worse than me but i still have cancer even if it can be cut away.


Sorry to waffle but  needed to air things.i hope i dont u[set anyone by this blog it is not meant to offend but to put my side across


thanks for reading hopefully i will be seeing a rosier picture soon



  • FormerMember

    The effect that the filth has on everyone afects them in differenet ways. Of course you are right to voice your concerns and air your feelings. We are not in a "my cancer is considerably worse than yours" scenario. Regardless of what it does and what stage we are in we have all got the same fear. Maybe at different levels and we deal with it in different ways but the only way you can deal with it is ask the questions. What a ridiculous thing to say that someone would prefer a scar instead of what they were going through. I would prefer an arsehole but lost mine. We have got what we've got and I would never belittle or decry anyone for being extremely concerned. Make sure your surgeon knows your feelings - piece of mind is part of the cure.

    Keep smiling




  • FormerMember

    Hi Purple,

    I can totally understand your concerns and I would feel the same.  I'm glad you feel you can get it off your chest, because that is what this site is all about isn't it?  I hope that your surgeon does an excellent job for you and you are happy with the results.

    Take care

    Nic xx

  • FormerMember

    hello purplehouse

    sorry to hear you are feeling so low - but obviously we can all understand why - it is all such a worrying anxious time - try not to let other peoples comments get in your head - sometimes "chat" "emails" dont really sound like they should .........

    as for your forthcoming op - good luck hun - im sure you plassy man will do a fab job - hey you may be pleasantly  surprised .......(may give you a little lift at the same time ......do you need one ?)


    big (((hug))) xNx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Purple, sorry to learn your feelings were stamped on!  I must say, I only have one breast and a very swollen arm from lymphodema but if my face were to be affected I would be mortified - its the window to our soul.  I understand fully you feel very vulnerable about your face and sincerely hope the plastic surgeon will be able to help you as best as poss.  Everyone on here is dealing with cancer and its about being able to talk about our feelings and be heard not critisized.  You cannot change other people's point of view, you can only change how you deal with their response.  So, please don't let the person make you sad - maybe they were angry at the time themselves and didn't think of the impact it would have on you.  Move on, we are here for you and I wish you all the strength in the world to face the world with pride one day.  God bless, look forward to reading your thoughts/feelings.  Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hey Purple,

                       I am so sorry that you were hurt by a comment but you were absolutely right to say that it affected you . As Drew says, we are not in a "my cancer is worse than yours" situation. Everyone, with any type of cancer, at whatever stage or who has someone close to them suffering fom the disease, can come on hear and be listened to and supported. Your face is on show all the time and most people would be apprehensive at possible scarring but I hope your surgeon does a fantastic job and wish you the very best of luck.

             Keep in touch and let us know how you are.

                         Love and hugs,

                                 lizzie xx