from day one

2 minute read time.

Hi all thi is the story so far 

1st jan 2011    James took ill had pain in his chest called nhs 24 to be told its prob muscular had it a few days then dissapeared 4 weeks later it came back again went to the doctors who took blood test and sent for chest x-ray rsults came back 1 week later normal so thought nothing of it .

7th april 2011  back to the docs again as hes loosing weight and no feelin the best pain back again more blood tests done week later get a call from doc to make appointment in between times he starts to have      bad back pain so we end up to the docs before he gets results of blood test , the doc said his blood test were a bit high with some of them and have been for sometime she wanted him to see heomatologist never got the chance .

18th april 2011  James took it upon himself and went to our local a&e due to back pain and that is the day our life changed . after receiving his back x-ray they noticed that one of his bones in his spine had totaly disintigrated they said it was somekind of infection and that he was going for a ct scan the next day .

19th april 2011  james had ct scan this morning , at 16.20pm we were sat down and told the bad news that James had cancer it was in his spine , liver and lungs shocked wasnt the word he remained in the hospital till the 22nd only to return on the 25th so they had a bed for him so that he could get his liver biopsy 

28th april 2011  James had his biopsy this morning all went without complications just to await results  

29th april 2011  James home now woohoo 

6th may 2011   through to the western in edinburgh for results of biopsy we were told they have not finished yet but it looks like melanoma told us they were not 100 % sure but were bout 90% told us a bit about it but dont think we could take it in all at once to much they did say its very rare as it has bypassed the skin and went to the liver . another week of waiting 

13th may 2011  back to see oncologist they are 100% sure that its metastatic melanoma devasted isnt the word went through all his treatment and what will happen just to await appointment to start 

15th may 2011 James taken into hosptial in severe pain doc at home thinks it could be appendix he has a high temp and cant bare to be touched . gets better but still in pain they think its been a bleed in his liver 

20th may 2011  First doze of chemo today all went well felt fine throughout 

24th may 2011  james high temp blood count high infection more tests cant find out were infection is very tired 

31st may 2011  James finaly home after 2 weeks in hospital doing okay for now still in pain and having trouble walking 


  • FormerMember

    I'm so very sorry to read about James' diagnosis.  This cruel disease is so shocking and ruthless - I can't imagine the shock you are all feeling.  I hope his treatment goes well and wish you all the very best luck and strength,  


  • FormerMember

    Hi Jinty,

    Hope everything works out well with James and his Treatment. To me back pain is the worst type of pain you can get ,it affects all parts of the body. Wish you both all the best and Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Jinty, thanks for sharing this terrible situation James is in.  I wish you both all the luck in the world and hope the chemo does what it says on the packet.  God bless, I wish James strength and love.  Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jinty

    My heart goes out to you and James I am so sorry for his suffering.  I hope the treament eases his pain very soon.

    Take care both

    Love & Hugs

    Jules xx

  • FormerMember

    thanks guys means a lot to us both and the rest of his family . Sars i know all bout back pain myself as i have had a spinal fusion few yrs back then had to get it removed last yr due to screws hitting the nerves xx