
1 minute read time.

your birthdays so near and im writting to say

will never forget how you left us that day

tears in our eyes and pain in our heart

i dreaded that day when you had to depart

you are the true love that took us through life

you held us so dear in the middle of the night

you suffered the pain but your smile still remained

and we wont  forget the love that we gained

we are left with regret at what could have been

but cherrish the love that we'd always seen

and now that you'v left i know what i must do

try my best to carry your love through

it takes a special person to carry this task

so now i remain to wear my mask

i so love the people and as did you

the love in my heart is definately true

you gave that to me and im proud to say

i will try to help others with the things that i say

a true friend to all i will always be

and you always told me that this would come free

unconditional love you can never return

that was another thing that i had to learn

i learned it with pride coz i love you so much

i wish i could feel again your so gentle touch



love you and miss you every day mumxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxlins



  • FormerMember

    a poem for mum.xxxx

  • FormerMember
    I lost my dad on the 6th June this year. Eleven days from diagnosis until death. I am still not able to go back to work. Everybody was so kind up until the funeral but now I can see the look on their faces - get back to normality. I wish it was that easy. I think I am still in shock with the speed of it all it was lung cancer spread to the brain. He was 69.
  • FormerMember

    awww love im so sorry.....there isnt a time limit on grief we deal with things in different must have been so much of a shock for you mum fought 16 years(age 55 when she passed) until it took every last strip of dignity from her she lost her speech completely 2 years before she died and ended up in a wheel chair.....they kept her going with treatnent but what she had to endure was so terrible and undignified to be honest the last two years were a dogs life....just pain and suffering not easy for any of us.i really find that writting my feelings down and talking about mum helps.....i also try to keep busy but when that quiet alone time comes all the hurt and feelings come back.xxxxbig hugs to youxxyour never alone here and dont let anyone bully you into thinking you should be ok about this coz you never will be you will just learn to manage the pain in your heart betterxxxlins

  • FormerMember


    Another beautiful poem for your Mum and such wise words for Teaspoon too!

    Teaspoon, I'm sorry for your loss and it is very early days for you yet. My Mum had lung cancer that went to her brain too, but as Lins says, there is NOT a time limit on grief. My Mum had just under 5 months from diagnosis to when she passed away, so not such a long time as Lins's Mum, but more than your Dad.

    In my experience, it is usually people who have not lost a parent or loved one to this horrible disease who tell one to "get over it and get back to normal, life goes on" etc. etc. I am sure they do not mean any harm (most of them), but they do not know what to say, so out come all the trite comments and platitudes that can be so hurtful. Take this at your own pace and ignore those who try to give you advice, if they've not lost someone significant in their lives, if said advice seems wrong to you. Having said that though, do talk to the friends whose friendship you value, as I am sure they will rally round and support you!

    Lins, you are quite right. There are so many members here who will support those in need and many good friends can be made here too. Whilst it is so sad that there are so many who now have personal experience of the b****y cancer and the havoc it can cause, it is good to be able to come here and "chat" to people who really understand how one is feeling!

    Love and hugs, Rose x x x x (((((((((((((((((((( hugs )))))))))))))))))))))) x x x x

  • FormerMember

    hugs rose and thank many good and understanding people here....when your feeling all alone someone always pops up with a smile a hug or hello to reasure you that they too know and understand the feelings in your heart.things are so painfull at times but we have to hold our heads up and carry on as best we can.....words from the heart is all i need say!!!!we all go through tough times and feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel but if we listen to our heart and the loved ones we lost we will again find the right path with the help and guidance of our friendsxx
