Well that idea did not work

1 minute read time.

Hello Again all

                Well I thought that i had got my pain relief concored  but that has all gone by the way side, i phoned the Doctor yesterday for some help but was told that i could not speak to her untill Monday so now i have too cope with the pain until then, well i suppose i have been managing for a week like this so a few more days will not matter, it all boils down to my own fault and the thoughts of my past relationship breakdown which is why i will not stand up to my wife and tell her what i want and what i need, she has this old fashioned idea that once the people such as macmillan nurses and district nurses get involved then you cannot get them out of your life, so she will not phone for them i have to wait for them too phone me, still i think that i can cope with the pain i hope, my specialists appointment is the 6th of January and i may be able to get to the drs before Christmas i hope.

                             Best WishesJames

  • FormerMember

    Hello James ... I'm sorry that you haven't got some medication for the pain yet, I'm surprised that the GP's surgery wasn't more helpful. What I find even more surprising is the fact that your wife won't phone the Macmillan Nurse / District Nurse for you ... can you possibly get another family member to do that if you find it difficult ?

    You really shouldn't have to ' cope with the pain ' for a few more days at all ... try and call your Mac Nurse and see if she can help you, James. I do hope that you get something sorted soon.

    Joycee x

  • FormerMember

    Hi, James

    I'd just sent you a message, on Skype, then found this post...

    I'm sorry you weren't able to get a visit from the GP when you rang on Friday. Do you think the receptionist didn't realise how unwell you are? (I'm only suggesting this because my GPs ALWAYS did home visits when I was ill after treatment and I am quite sure you should been booked for a home visit from your GP, anyway, to see if the latest antibiotics had worked....)

    Anyway, so long as you get a visit tomorrow, it's usually better to see the GP who knows you, rather than the Out of Hours GP (sometimes alright, sometimes not so good, in my experience).

    As I said the other day, I think it sounds as if your wife is just not able to take on board what is happening with you, it's too frightening to think about. Especially with concerns about your daughter's pregnancy and Christmas to think about. So she is just "in denial" (which I was when I first realised that the lump in my neck might be cancer - I simply couldn't believe it, I thought there must have been a mistake), or else she is ANGRY and it is coming out at you, for being ill.....

    It is absolutely natural for your wife to react like thiis. But please don't let her reaction stand in the way of acting on the physio's advice and asking the GP for the help you need.

    Thinking of you

    With best wishes

    Bron x