The Beginning

1 minute read time.

This is the beginning of my blog but not the beginning of my mum Val's journey.  That started in October 2010 when after a bad cough and a trip to the doctors she was told they had found a shadow on her lung.   A week or so and a couple of scans later we were told it was lung cancer.

Between October 2010 and January 2011 she endured what I can only describe as very intense radiotherapy and chemotherapy.  She had infections, blood transfusions, sickness, lost her hair, the whole shabang but she got through it (just) and in January she was told the tumour had stopped growing.  Great!!

Not so great in July when they found another one.  They gave her Tarceva and things were looking up again; she felt great, was putting on weight again, her hair grew a lovely silver colour and she said she felt better than she had before the cancer.  Unfortunately, the Tarceva did NOTHING.  The tumour kept growing and in November she was told that was it - there was nothing else they could do for her, she was going to die.

So, here we are.  A New Year and a new blog. Mum has had the best Christmas ever and she is feeling OK.   The purpose of this blog is to let you know how she feels on a day-to-day basis and hopefully I will still be telling you at New Year 2013.

I hope you find it interesting and please feel free to leave your comments.

  • FormerMember

    Hello Mandy, i'm new on this site so please forgive any mistakes!! i,m so sorry to hear about your Mum, she sounds extremely strong!

    My Mum, who is 72, was diagnosed with Lung cancer on 14th Dec 2011. it has spread to her liver and brain. the side effects of the swelling and the steroids are causing the most probs at the moment. Chemo and radiotherapy have been metioned and we have see an Oncologist








  • FormerMember

    Hello again Mandy!! knew i would mess up! so, we are going to the Oncologist tomorrow to see if my Mum can start chemo/radiology. My Mum has already said that if she has bad side effects she doesn't want it just to give her a few extra weeks/months. That is why i said you're Mum is strong to go through all of that. I'll respect whatever my Mum wants to do i just don't want her in any pain. Fat chance i know! I will keep a check of your Blog. Best wishes, Sosanna.

  • FormerMember

    Good luck to your mum for tomorrow Sosanna. I will keep everything crossed for you. xx