My Mum's Journey

  • Last Few Days


    Well, mum seems to have struggled during the days since Christmas.  She has developed a very croaky voice (without a sore throat or anything) and is coughing up a bit of blood.  She had a choking episode yesterday which scared the life out of her even though it was only her tea going down the wrong way; the trouble is though, when you are on your own there is nobody to help in these situations.

    I hope she hasn’t…

  • The Beginning


    This is the beginning of my blog but not the beginning of my mum Val's journey.  That started in October 2010 when after a bad cough and a trip to the doctors she was told they had found a shadow on her lung.   A week or so and a couple of scans later we were told it was lung cancer.

    Between October 2010 and January 2011 she endured what I can only describe as very intense radiotherapy and chemotherapy.  She had infections…