the stent today.......

1 minute read time.

Hi all

Mum had her stent fitted today, seems to have gone ok so far and they have removed nasogastric tube so I hope its fine!! She's quite sore tonight, but hopefuly they will get on top of that.  Just want her to get home so that she can get to  be with her gorgeous black lab (who I'm totally allergic to but love to bits runny eyes hives and all lol! Actually both my parents who are remarried, and my brother, all have dogs - do you think they dont love me!! haha). Shes going onto morphine patches tomorrow instead of syringe driver to prepare for home..hope they work well cos I dont want to see her in such pain again.

Anyway been a hectic few days again, my mother-in-law is still in hospital and blood poisoning is threatening to overwhelm her again , been to see her today. My 13 yr old nephew was taken into hospital today as something has gone wrong with his diabetes and hes hypo-ing all over the place so my sister is having to deal with that as well as my mum being in (sis has 4 children - 1 with diabetes and coeliac, 1 with diabetes and ADHD, one with epilepsy and  one whos fine!! ). She and her hubby are totally stressed just now so am taking turns sitting with my nephew in hospital so she can be at home/work when necessary.  Meanwhile my eldest son (14) who has chronic fatigue and fybromyalgia has been having a bad week so its all going on!.

So me and my sis are having a meltdown week, wishing that we were lying in the sun somewhere !!  Imagining cocktails and big waves. Was hoping for a trip to Vegas for my 40th as I've always wanted to go, but that won't be happening for the forseeable future so will have to make do with my daydreams....(robbie williams wearing not much serving me cocktails by the pool lol!!) Dont tell my hubby though!

So anyway, keeping fingers crossed that mum will manage to eat or drink something tomorrow and that she will get home on Friday!! Stepdad desperate to have her home, he's completely at a loss without her. So heres hoping..

Love Sharon







  • FormerMember

    Bless you Sharon you're having a tough time at the moment with one thing and another.  Hope everything with the stent goes well and your mum gets home on Friday.  Please try and look after yourself as well as everyone else!  Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sharon,

    I think you will find that your Mum,will be able to eat and drink O/K tomorrow. You have had some week,

    lets hope your Mum gets home to her black Lab.

    You try and take things easy.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love

  • FormerMember

    wow girl and i thought my life was crazy!!! You and your sister sound like very strong people.

    Robbie williams ummmm cocktails ummmmm, i'm with you for that daydream now what a great start to the morning.

    I hope your mum is more comfortable today and will be home with her hubby soon and that your nephew's treatment is soon sorted out.

    Take care you and keep up the strength and definitely the dreams. As for hubby i won't tell yours if you don't tell mine lol. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi all

    Mum has had a bad day today, pain from the tent been unbearable, morphinr doubled so shes sleepy and confused. Not managed to eat anything, been sick with fluids tday, and yet the docs still talking about home tomorrow!! Dearly want for her to get  home, but not if she is just going to get dehydrated again. Im not sure why they didnt leave nasogastric tube in place to feed her, thats another two days

    without nutrition so far.

    Hopefuly she will be a bt better by tomorrow.
