saturday night.............(and i like the way you movel)lol!!

1 minute read time.

Hi all

Mum has had a really good day, got the nasogastric tube fitted last night then xray this morning to make sure it was in place. Increased morphine is really gettingto grips with the pain, so she is much more comfortable and chatty. As I write this she should be getting her first 12 hr feed and hopefuly its going well. and apparently it says in mums notes that she can have close family visit at any time, so Im sticking my tongue out to the rather unpleasant nurse with the jobsworth hat on from yesterday!! l (although i do know that she was only doing her job!)

And as for me .........well I did two hours of ironing (which I have been sadly neglecting because if something has suffer then the ironong is first on the list to go!) while watching the xfactor and managed to eat an entire big bag of walkers sensations crisps without noticing that I had done it lol!! Hubby went off to visit his mum in hospital with 2 of the kids, I couldnt face another hospital visit tonight.  Hoping for sun tomorrow because after visiting mum (outwith hours - I am going to be a rebel) we are heading to my brothers for a bbq (wish mum was coming too though!)

Hope everyone is doing okay this weekend.




  • FormerMember

    Hi Sharon,

    I know how your poor Mum feels Last year from Feb

    to July I had one of those lovely nasal/gastric tubes

    up my nose for 6 mnths while the Scar tissue on my oesophagus healed after the operation went badly wrong and an infection set in. They are a bloody pain in the bum. As for visiting your Mum you can do that anytime just have a word with her

    Consultant. You want to look after yourself too you

    have a Family to look after. So you have some me time too. All the best and good luck to your Mum.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love

  • FormerMember

    Morning Sharon, bahhumbug the weather, but still go, you can cook between showers and still have fun.  Don't feel bad that she's not there, she probably would want you to have fun.  You also need to look after yourself, as Sarsfield said, you have a family to look after.  Those crisps are a nightmare, especially the bumper bags!  Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ann and Sarfield

    Again thanks for the repliesxx

    Mum good again today, tolerated her feed well, had morphine upped again a little and was in good spirit. stent getting fitted on Wednesday.

    BBQ went well, rain stayed off an it was nice to be with my brother, sister and our familes (first time we have all managed to be together in the 8 weeks since this journey began).  

    Been good, avoided the crisps and even turned down fudgecake so feeling very virtuous today lol!!

    Even did some more ironing when we came home (my hubby is great at helping with housework but useless with an iron!!) so need to go shine my halo for a while haha!!

    Take care, sx