my grief is unique ..a poem by mex

1 minute read time.

Please don't try to tell me that you know just how I feel

When I'm trying very hard, pretending none of this is real

Please do not compare me to the girl who lives next door,

Your friend's auntie or a cousin, and theres always many more.

I know that you all mean well, but in my grief I am unique

No one else can have these feelings, those I find so hard to speak

I wish that I could tell you what my heart is trying to say

I just know that I still stumble as I drift from day to day.

Please don't try to tell me that time will heal my pain

Just now I need to feel it, I don't want to laugh again.

Please just sit and listen, I don't mean to be a bore

I'm just trying to remember what my life was like before.

I'm grateful for your presence, but I may not wish to talk

My life is on a pathway that I never chose to walk.

My dreams have all been shattered and my hopes been set adrift

Though I never will forget, I know in time my mood will lift.

Please don't turn your back on me, I need you to be strong

You think that I am coping but look deep, you'll see you're wrong.

Please don't judge, my grief is raw, just now I see no end

But friends I need, true friends indeed, on that I will depend.

by Sharonxx

  • FormerMember

    I have just read you poem, My hubby died in May this year, we were married 21 yrs, its his birthday today and your poem matches exactly how I DO feel I'm lost to all that surround me but they all seem to know what is best for me. Thank you kind and loving thoughts to you xxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sharon,

    A very Beautiful Poinent Poem. Thank you.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love

  • FormerMember

    I've just read your poem with tears in my eyes.  I was diagnosed today, 13 September 2010, with invasive ductal carcenoma and I feel as if my whole life has just been turned upside down, shaken inside out and beaten to death.  I have a daughter, who is a doctor (not an oncologist) who is a tower of support and also a very close friend upon who I can rely.  However it is on sites like this that you meet people who are going through/have gone through cancer and truly understand your feelings.  

  • FormerMember

    Thank you for your kind comments everyone.

    Laine, I have left you a comment on your blog.Thinking of youxx

    Mutti, I am very sorry that you have had such news today.No words from me will make you feel better, but please know that there are always people here on this site when you need to talk, many with very positive stories and many with great advice. You obviously have a fight to face but the people on here will face it right along with you.

    best wishes and (((((((hugs)))))))), Sharonxx

  • FormerMember

    sharon, just beautiful hugs jenni xxxx