mums birthday, happy birthday mum!!xx

1 minute read time.

Party last night went really well, all my family and freinds helped make it a lovely night. I really missed Mum being there but I knew that she would have been in a alot of discomfort if she had made the journey.

Had a few vodkas and danced till my feet were sore,asthma was playing up so sounded a bit like one of those adult chat lines whenever I spoke , heavy breathing etc lol!! But really enjoyed the night. Had to give a little speech and blow out my candles (OOOOH, the heat!!!). I got very emotional as I made my wish and mentioned Mum in my speech, but my friend was there for me when I had a wee cry outside.

Any way, mums birthday today. 67!! nephew 16 and sisters anniversary (yes he was born on her first anniversary!). Was a lovely sunny day, mum managed to sit out in the garden for a few hours. She was delighted with her photo of a ll her grandchildren, and made huge effort not to show her discomfort. She is such a brave and wonderful person, it must be difficult for her knowing that this is her last birthday. I am glad that the sun shone, I will always think of today and smile. xx

Only thing that worries me is that she has definately been using this week as a goal to achieve, and even said to my stepdad that she would be quite happy if she went now. I am terrified that she will die soon, although I know that it is inevitable and that she does not have long. I just wish I could put this day on hold forever but of course I know that I cant. This weekend has proven how difficult it will be to hold celebrations without Mum in future, but it has also created happy memories to keep inside forever.

Happy birthday Mum, Ilove youxxx

love Sharonxx


  • FormerMember

    Hi Sharon.  I am so pleased that you had such a great party and that the sun shone on your mum today, on her 67th birthday.  It was brilliant that she managed to sit in the garden and enjoy the her birthday in the sunshine.  Love to you, your lovely mum and all your family.  Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    hi sharon,i just wanted to say you will find the strength from somewhere,i feel your pain as i too have been through this with my own mum,i totally know how hard and emotional it is for you ,take every day and cherish every moment ,its a very difficult and heartbreaking journey that your all going through,my mums been gone nearly 2 yrs in oct and the pain never goes but you live around it ,god bless you and your lovely mum,mazz x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sharon,

    Glad your Mum had a good day for her birthday.

    Wish her a Happy Birthday from Me.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sharon, glad you enjoyed your party and that the sun shone for your Mum's birthday. What lovely memories you will have. Val XX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sharon

    I'm glad you had a lovely day with your Mum on her birthday.  A couple of weeks before mum died we had an hawiaan party at her's.  We all got dressed up including my mum (grass skirt). We had a lovely time except mum wasn't too well that day.  But some fantastic memories and photos of the day.  

    Take care keep in touch.

    loves and hugs Jan