home and emotional

2 minute read time.

Hi all

Been a rollercoaser of emotions this week. After my birthday/party/mums birthday last weekend, Mum has been getting weaker each day just as I had feared. Then on Tuesday I was admitted to hospital as my brittle asthma had become so severe that I couldnt ignore it any longer (had been in a downward spiral for a week and had been trying hard to just get on with it).

Anyway  , I phoned my sister from hospital yesterday morning and as soon as she answered she got really upset. At first I though that Mum has ..well you can guess what I was thinking. When she calmed down, she explained that mum has made the very difficult decision that the time has come for her to go into the hospice as she is too weak to even get up from a chair without help. My stepdad is distraught as he is desperate to continue looking after her at home and doesnt want to her to go in. Mum wants to lessen his load and ours, and I understand that but it must be so hard for her as she knows that when she leaves home, she wont be returning. G.p is sorting things out, no beds available yesterday or today, but he will phone us on Monday.

I cant quite believe that only 2 months after her terminal diagnosis , and less than 3 months since this journey started, Mum is on the final stretch of the  highway that has been her life. In hospital yesterday I was not able to vent my emotions, but since coming home today I am finding it really hard.  My mum means the world to me, we are very close as  my dad and her split when I was 15 and for several years it was just her and me (my brother and sister had both left home by then). Mum has always been feisty, fiercely independant and never in her life looked to others for help. She is my rock, my inspiration,my hero. How can I face her not being here? Every week that has passes I have tried to prepare for the inevitable, but I cant. I dont want my Mum to die. I dont want to imagine a life without her in it.  I still need her. 

And throughout all of this, she has been incredibly strong and brave, still trying to protect us from the realities of this dreadful disease. But it is a fight she cannot win, and now she has nothing left to fight with.

My daugter turned over the tv and The film Mama Mia was on. She then had to contend with me being a blubbering wreck, I bought the DVD last christmas for mum to watch, how we have laughed and cried at that feel good factor it gives you, but without mum it will never be the same. And my children should not be losing their gran while they are still young, my nan died when I was 30 and I was still devastaved then...still am.

I know that I need to find the strength to deal with the days and weeks ahead,mum needs us to be as strong as she has been. But I dont think that I can be as strong as I need to be right now. My mum,who asks for nothing, deserves the worldxxx



  • FormerMember

    Oh Sharon I had to hold back the tears as I read this.  As I read it could have been me that had written it.  My heart goes out to you, your mum and the rest of the family.  You can never prepare yourself for something like this.  You are in my thoughts and prayers.  Take care of yourself.  Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sharon

    I am so sorry for the position you are in - you are one with the gift for words not me, But we all have a limited life span, the countdown starts the day we are born.

    Your Mum has been your rock and inspiration - hard as it seems it now payback time and you WILL find the inner strength when it is needed, even if  you maybe find  that difficult  believe at this moment.

    So many people go to work in the morning, after a row maybe, and never return. They never get the chance to say I love you or I am sorry to those they may have hurt

    I know its not easy to accept but in some ways you and your Mum has been so lucky, she has been given some  notice that she is going - you have the chance to show and say that you love her, she already knows that but you can never say it too often !!

    Your Mum sound like she is a very caring and selfless person who is still putting her family first, you must be so proud of her !.

    Spend what time you can together - today is what is important - use your time well please

    Love and hugs

    John xx

  • FormerMember

    Sharon, my heart goes out to you....I cried my eyes out when I read this....

    Enjoy every precious, precious moment with your darling Mum and store every precious, precious moment in your heart and mind....

    Thinking of you, take care,

    Love Ann xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sharon, I can really feel your pain hun. I was in the same position as you earlier this year. My dad was diagnosed with cancer in February and passed away 8 weeks later.  

    My dad was my world also and I couldn't imagine him not being here, but like John says you will find the strength to be there for your mum. I hardly left dad's side and got the chance to tell him I loved him, not something we did really as a family. I am glad I got the opportunity.

    I really feel for you right now. It is a horrible place to be and I will be thinking about you. Having said that, the hospice will be able to see to your mum's every need including pain relief etc.

    Sending some love and hugs your way, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks caroline and annxx

    John, how right you are, i know that Mum has had a fulfilling life and I am lucky to have had her with me so long.I myself have had to face my mortality because Ive had a few scares from severe ashma attacks and know that life can change in the blink of an eye. I have asked myself many times in the last few weeks if it is more painful to lose someone suddenly with no chance to say goodbye or to have this time to say everything yet watch someone you love suffer horrendously and to that question I still have no answer.

    I will find the strength, my mum deserves no less,


    love Sharonxx