feeling down today.........

2 minute read time.

Yesterday was another chaotic day, and for some reason I just feel like crying today!!

Didnt start well, got a phonecall when I was getting ready to go to mums with my best friend, from my stepmum. My dad was in hospital, having collapsed on Sunday night!! Dad has been quite unwell over last few years after  MRSA entered his bloodstream following a hip operation and almost killed him. Anyway, apparently he was very confused, then collapsed. Was admitted overnight to hospital and they coulnt find out whats wrong, so have sent him home again, but he's still not right.

Next, my sister-in-law phoned to say g.p was out to see my mum-in-law, and is very concerned that the infection in her foot is getting worse again (only home from hospital on Friday after being seriously ill with septicaemia and pneumonia due to infection from foot getting into bloodstream!) Think she will have to be re-admitted but waiting to see how it goes!!

Then, I finally made it out to mums. Sun was shining, and she had managed to get out to the garden to lie on her recliner., so I thought that the day was looking up. When my stepdad went out, she broke down and said that she had got really upset because she is now too weak to get up the stairs and had had to be half carried to the shower. She looked  really skeletal yesterday, and my friend was visibly shocked as she hasnt seen her since the diagnosis. I consoled Mum as best I could, can't even cuddle her because all the tumours are too tender. 

Then my eldest son came home from school, he is having a bad week due to his chronic fatigue/fybromyalia and was really exhausted and headachy. I feel so bad for him, he just wants to be a normal teenager. He wanted to go out with friends on a cycle, but couldnt find the energy and he was quite angry yesterday that he has this condition.

My sis phone me this morning. Apparently after I left Mums she was unable to get from the garden into the house and almost collapsed. Also, sis had been speaking to her about next week's party and thinks that the effort to be there will be too much for Mum. I agree but am really devastated and not really wanting to have the party anyway - mum doesnt want me to cancel. 

So here I am this morning, can't stop crying. Don't know why, just feel really overwhelmed by everything today. Probably got PMT, which wont be helping!! Nor is the fact that Im forty next week  and mums birthday too. Just need to pick myself up and get on with it, but today that just seems very difficult. Mum is being amazingly brave, and we need to be too. Still got Thursdays arragements to get through too.

struggling today to find a positive....but then I remembered. My nephew who is 16 next week (shares his birthday with mum and his parents wedding anniversary)  and who left school despite his parents missgivings, had his first job interview yesterday and got the job!!! He is going to be training as a parts specialist for a Ford garage!! Delighted for him.

Hope today gets better.

  • FormerMember

    You brain can get over loaded when so much is going on my love and crying can help to relieve some of the stress. I hope your day improves and I hope you can get a little chillout time for yourself, you need that. Thinking of you love. Take care and hopefully the sun will start to break through those clouds and things will improve....love Carol x

  • FormerMember

    First of all I just wanted to say its ok to have a down day. Of course your going to be upset there is so much going on in your life right now, your mum obviously being the important factor. Take some time out for you if you can find someone to unload onto.

    I really hope your day improves and remember its ok to feel this way but its always important to find some happiness in there too. Oh and Congratulations on you up coming 40th :-)

    Take it easy and take care

    Tiggs xx

  • FormerMember

    I'm not surprised you are feeling down with all that is going on in your family - but well done on the positive ending. Only 40? - a relative youngster! Wishing you some other positives to help you along your difficult road - and be gentle with yourself. Hugs, Val X

  • FormerMember

    You have so much going on in your life it is not surprising you are depressed.  Please have a word with your doctor if you haven't already done so.  Take time out just for you to relax.

    Hugs, Jan x

  • FormerMember

    Hello, no wonder you are crying with all  that is going on with everyone. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself, you are coping very well and you just need to recharge your batteries. Try to find time for some retail therapy with a friend and go for a coffee,(window shopping is great) give yourself some time off.

    Take care,

    Vee. xx