clearing the wardrobes...

1 minute read time.

Finally got round to doing a job that we had been putting off and off. Before mum died she asked my sister and I to help clear out her wardrobes(with her) and bag everything for the Macmillan shop. The day before we were going to do this she deteriorated rapidly and we didnt get them cleared.

In a mad moment, my stepdad wanted to bag everything the day afer Mum died, but I expressed my feelings that it was too soon, and a week later he said he was really glad that we hadnt gone ahead and rushed it. we were, almost 5 months on, and we hadnt yet summonsed up the courage to empty out mums (vast) wardrobes and go through her drawers.

We decided today was the day, and headed through this morning. It was very emotional, many of the outfits brought special memories to mind, and I could still smell mums scent on her jackets which was comforting and upsetting at the same time. Found a half smoked ciggie in a handbag, I don't smoke but almost wanted to light it up and put it to my lips just to feel close to her!! So now its done, 2 suitcases and 10 big bags full of lovely clothes for the Mac shop, a few treasured pieces kept by us just in comfort. It wasnt easy, I feel very emotional tonight, but I am glad that it is now done and know Mum was around us as we did it. Still miss you more than words can say Mum, but trying to pick up the pieces like I know you would want us to. xx


  • FormerMember

    Hi Sharon,

    That must have been very difficult for you and the Family. Its heartbreaking when you have to pack up all your Mums bits and pieces. But at least now its done and you have taken another step forward.

    Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Well done Sharon, that must had been a very hard thing to do. One of my Mum's ways of coping when my step-dad (and before that my dad) died was to clear out the wardrobes quite quickly. Everything to do with his illness went very quickly (stair lift went the day after he died!) I found it helped me to get rid of visual reminders of the illness, and concentrate on the happy memories. Glad you and yours found a time that was good for you all.

    Take care, Val X