Back to asking the why question..

1 minute read time.

I know that cancer is indiscriminate, I know that there is no clear reason why some people seem to get more than their share of heartache, but today again I find myself asking the one question that none of us can answer - Why?

Yesterday a family friend died, after a long valient battle against stomach cancer. She has fought long and hard to stop cancer from winning, but yesterday her journey ended. She has 2 children aged only 9 and 12 and I cannot begin to comprehend the devastation that her death has brought to them. So once again, I find myself asking the question why? I ask not for myself, but for those two lovely children.

I am 40 and I miss my mum desperately. These young innocent children should have been nurtured in their mothers arms for many years to come. She was a very brave determined woman, we were not close friends although I admired her deeply ( we were mums together, sitting on the sidelines on a Sunday, watching their children play handball together in my husbands team) and the hurt I feel today is not for myself but for her beautiful family. My heart goes out to them . RIP Fiona ,  a truly inspirational woman.xx

  • FormerMember

    my thoughts are with her family right now love and hugs jen xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    You Know as well as I do. Cancer dosent pick and choose. It causes devestation to your Friends Family and especially the kids. There is no Just answer to your question why.!!!!!!! Its here and theres not a damn thing we can do about it,except fight. My deepest sympathy to you Friends Family

    may Fiona R.I.P.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    So sorry for your loss, but the question should be ....why not, we all think it happens to other people, we are all just jogging along, in our wonderful lives, thinking nothing can touch us when.... BAM, hit by the train that is cancer!, I never asked why me, because, why not me, I'm just a normal person,and if not me then who? Wouldn't it be wonderful if murderers, rapist and pedos, and other horrible nasty downright ugly people were the only ones to be hit by tragedy, pain and death, don't we all wish

    LIZ xxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    I just wanted to say Liz that you are a wise Lady, not a truer word was spoken

    Hugs Lucylee. xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you all for the commentsxx

    Liz and Lucy,I think the question I am asking is Why anyone? I cannott begin to express my admiration for those who are valiently fighting this awful disease such as yourself,  but having watched my mums pain and suffering as cancer took her life, I would not wish anyone to experience the pain and demise that she did, not my worst enemy, not even those who are evil. I truly wish that cancer was an affliction that no-one need suffer.

    love sharonxx