6 months on...Mum's been gone 6 months today

1 minute read time.

Can't quite believe that it has been six months, sometimes seems much longer, yet at other times it seems like only yesterday. Decided to take a drive to one of Mums favourite places today, which is also the place where we had our last outing. A beautiful beach town, where I spent all my childhood weekends and many holidays, and where I normally take my own family whenever the sun shines. The sun shone today, it was beautiful. I haven't been back there since Mum died, so today was very emotional, but I felt very close to Mum as I walked along the beach with my hubby. I am moving towards healing, Mum is still foremost in my thoughts when I wake each day, but more days are tear free. I will always miss my Mum, she played such an important role in my life and helped me become the person I am today. I am lucky to have had such a wonderful woman as a role model, and will continue to try to make her proud.


Mum, six months have past ,since I held you last

I still see your face, feel your warm embrace

I still feel you near, all that you held dear

Lives inside of me, and while you soar free

I will carry on, you taught me to be strong

Though I miss you still, and I always will

Our time will come again, so from now till then

I will dry my tears, be grateful for the years

That you held me tight, kept me safe at night

Watched me as i grew,  taught me to be true

Such special memories, so many happy days

Those moments fill my heart, we're really not apart.

I Love you Mum, always and  forever XX

