Wednesday September 29th - Shell shocked!

1 minute read time.

Thanks everyone.  I finally went to sleep around 1am but was up and doing a washing at 4am.  I've now hoovered the whole house and have just sat down with a coffee and the thought that I need to find out about funerals.  Although we live down here and have a lot of very good friends all our family and many of mums friends are up in Paisley.  I feel the funeral should be up there but not sure how feesible that is or how much it would cost to take mum up there. 

I have cried on and off since I got home from the hospital last night.  The least little thing sets me off.  I'm praying that I can hold it together when I see mum this afternoon.  No phone call from Christine, or Carol from the hospice, yet this morning so am praying they are trying to sort something out before they contact me.

I rung the ward this morning and was given the standard she's had a comfortable night and is stable at the moment.  The stable bit is not standard actually, that word seems to have been added since we got the news yesterday! 

I was numb yesterday, today I am shell shocked!

  • FormerMember


    Still praying for you and your mum.

    But on a practical level, at church i often speak to undertakers as i steward a lot of the funerals. As it happened just the other week they were talking about this very subject. It is not unusual for them to drive down and collect someone deceased to bring them back for burial in their home land/town. So i would suggest you or family up there contact undertakers in Paisley.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,  here is a good link (what to do after a death):

    Please enjoy the time you have with your mum. There will be loads of time to sort everything out. Take Care of Youself. xx

  • FormerMember


    Like Mal, I too am still praying for you and your Mum.

    You're bound to be shell-shocked, but you will hold it together when you see her later today. Also, if you want, please ask the ward staff if you may now visit whenever you want, not just at "visiting times".  When my own Mum was in the same sort of situation, we were supposed to have been told that we could visit whenever we wanted to - but they forgot to tell us!

    I have sent you a pm too. God bless you and your Mum

    Love, Rose x x x

  • FormerMember

    Can hardly see to type now as the tears are coursing down my face as I type.  Mal thank you so much for that information I will get my uncle to check it out.  Rose I will ask today when I go into the ward if it's possible to go in when I want.  They did let me stay between afternoon and evening visiting yesterday but think that was just because Dr Mehta had asked them to get me to stay and see him and Christine with mum.  Jackie I will try to enjoy the time I have left with my mum, just can't comprehend how I can enjoy seeing the person I love most in the world suffering.  As soon as she is out of there and is comfortable, hopefully, I will cope better and be able to spend some quality time with her. I can't begin to tell you all how supported I feel, you are definitely part of my extended family I was always hold dear.  

  • FormerMember

    Thanks for the link Jackie.  I have saved it to my favourites.  

    How wierd! XX