Wednesday April 21st - Mum and her planned RT!

1 minute read time.

Mum will begin 10 days of RT to her head and chest on Tuesday May 4th.  She had her planning meeting last Friday and found it an ordeal.  She has described how claustrophobic she felt as she was bolted to the table and her mask was moulded to her face, particularly around her nose.  I must admit I don't think I would have handled that too well.

The problem now is that she is having nightmares about this when she is in bed and is constantly thinking about it during the day.  She feels quite panicky and doesn't know if she'll be able to go through with it when the time comes. 

I think a big part of the problem is that the people who carried out this procedure did not take the time to explain things either before it happened or after.  She was given no information about how long her treatment will take and clearly wasn't put at ease the way she was when she first went for chemo.  Perhaps if she had asked she would have been told but she was so worked up that she was just glad to get out of the room and get home.  Unfortunately I wasn't allowed in with her as I have been to all her other appointments.

I feel so sorry for her.  She's done so well and now when she should be beginning to feel better she is more upset than she has been during this whole journey.

If you have had similar treatment to my mum and have any info about it that would help her to understand how long it takes and how it will be I'd really appreciate it.

  • FormerMember

    Forgot to say the actual treatment is over in a matter of minutes, 2 or 3 I would guess when the machine is actually on. The first few sessions are a bit longer taking time to position her on the board and line up lazers etc. (the sort that they shine in displays) and are harmless - they have shone in my eyes with no ill effects. When they are happy with her position they leave the room and watch via a camera. Most of the sessions are over in 15 to 20 minutes  from walking in to walking out. My husband was allowed in to watch with them.

    Do message me if you want to know any more X

  • FormerMember

    I had to have the mask as well and I hate the thought of being pinned down, but honestly they are very good when you go in for treatment if your mum lets them know she is not keen they will be very good and reasure her.  Mine only took 2.5 minutes so it is very quick once you have had the first session which can take a lttle longer to get everything in the right place.  But they know people dont like the mask and are in like a shot as soon as it is finished to take it off it is there first priority.  Please let your mum know that it will be ok and not as bad as she thinks it will be, the staff will be very good I am sure.  Best wihses to you and your mum once this is over she will be able to have a great rest.



  • FormerMember

    I asked about the mask this afternoon and the girl showed it to me. It is nothing like I imagined - not a bit "Phantom of the Opera" like. It reminded me of the polystyrene diamond thingy they put over fancy fruit to protect it - the thickish sort that expands with big gaps - and has a sort of gauze backing. There was a big hole cut where the mouth goes and some had the nose bit cut away as well. It isn't very rigid and looks as though one could breathe through it anyway. She said that the brain RT was very quick indeed and nothing to what I was having at the moment. Well I have to say I have no worries myself now, except I think making the mask is probably the worst bit!

    The girl also offered to let me ask the next lady  about it as she was having that type of treatment and had no problems, but I didn't like to hold them up any more so I declined. I did watch as she went through though and she was elderly with a stick and looked quite happy. I really think it is OK - have to say I would takee it over chemo any day!