Sunday September 26th - Mixed feelings!

4 minute read time.

I arrived at the ward at 2.30pm today.  Mum was in bed.  She was lying flat on her back and didn't look comfortable at all.  I asked how she was and she said she couldn't move, which of course she couldn't.  Mum is unable to turn over, even onto her side.  I sat her up and got her comfortable with the help of my uncle.  I asked her why she hadn't buzzed for a nurse and she said they had put the buzzer out of reach, which they had!

It was then that I noticed that mums meds for low sodium were on her table with 'TO BE TAKEN' written on a tissue and also her drink for low potassium.  I went to the nurses station and asked the staff nurse if mum should have these meds.  She seemed a bit taken aback and said mum had been asleep so they didn't waken her it was fine for me to give her them now.  She should have had them at 12pm!  I asked mum if she had been asleep and she said perhaps she had dozed for half an hour but had been awake since about 1pm. 

I, then, heated mums stew and fed it to her, gave her a banana and then got her up to take her for her ciggie.  She told me she was wet and asked if I could take her to the loo and change her before we went out.  I had to change her nightie and underwear.  She had on disposable pants and a huge incontinence pad like a nappy!  My mother is not incontinent but she cannot stand up on her own and certainly can't get out of bed and get to the loo.  She told me they never come when she calls and often put the buzzer out of reach.  As mum has been a bit confused (very on Friday) I thought maybe she'd got it wrong but a lady oppostie who is mobile told me that what mum said was true!  We left at 4.30pm and told mum we'd be back at 6.

Kieran and Charlotte came back with us at 6.  Mum had had some tea but wanted a mullerice which I heated in the pantry.  I, then, got mum up and into her wheelchair, wrapped her up warm and we all set off outside.  As we were leaving I noticed the woman to mums right was crying.  I asked her what was wrong and she said she desperately needed the loo but had been shouting for half an hour and no one had come.  I asked if she pressed her buzzer and she told me it had been moved out of her reach.  I got it down and pressed it for her and then we went out to take mum for a ciggie.  When we came back 15 minutes later the lady was still crying.  Her buzzer was still sounding and no one had come.  My aunt went in search of a nurse and told her the lady was distressed.  10 minutes later no one had come.  My aunt went out again and eventually a nurse came, unfortunately too late.  Some of these nurses should be shot!  Needless to say Juliette was not on duty today!

Mum was really bright yesterday but was not so good today.  She is on restricted fluids but her fluid charts have not been filled in and a jug of water is constantly left within her reach.  There is no record of output.  It wouldn't be possible to record anyway as they never get to her in time for her to use the commode so there can't be any way to record it.  My limited knowledge of low sodium and the drugs she is being given to counteract it are enough for me to know how important it is to be clear about intake and output!  The whites of mums eyes looked a wee bit yellow tonight and I am concerned about this.

I can't wait to get mum out of there.  I will ring Christine in the morning and find out what should be in mums notes with regards to fluid intake and output.  I also hope she will be able to get the results of mums scan and maybe be able to give me an indication of how long mum will need to stay in there before coming home or going into the hospice.  It has been so upsetting today because mum is no longer confused and is, therefore, aware that some of the nurses are shirking their responsibilities.  She pleaded with me today to take her home.  I'm heartbroken for her as she feels so frustrated she can't move positions in bed or get up and walk to the loo so that she doesn't need to rely on these people.


  • FormerMember

    Dear celiswan, I am so exasperated at the complete lack of care and dignity your mum is being given - but I am not surprised unfortunately.  If you can, make sure you download all the incidents mentioned on your blogs, put them in a letter, copy the whole thing and make it Recorded Delivery to the Chief Exec of the Hospital with a cc to your local NHS.  I do hope you get your mum  out asap - its disgraceful she is being treated like this and it doesn't help in her well being.  Ann x ps please keep letting us know how you get on.

  • FormerMember

    Caroline love I have no words that can be put on here, I am appalled at the treatment your mum is getting, this is disgusting. If you have a Mac nurse love get them to Carol x

  • FormerMember

    oh caroline , once again im disgusted, i honestly hope i can make a differeance to some of these cases as this treatment should not happen ,i just wish these hcas, nurses had seen this happen to their realtives then they would think twice ,and ive always had this approach to my work , for last  19 yrs, but losing ju has given me the courage to stand up and fight more , i will not stand back and allow people like your mum to be ignored and never ever would a patient of mine be left if needed toilet, that is abuse pure and simple !!!

    i personally would direct an extra letter to director of nursing as well as they are in charge of these hca,s and nurses ,

    sorry i got on my soap box but makes me so cross ,

    as a friend i send you both lots of love and hugs jenni xxx

  • FormerMember

    This is just awful Caroline for mum and you.  This hospital is failing miserably in their patients' charter and need to step up to the mark in their duties.  My sis works for the NHS as a Regional Manager and when we have had problems, luckily for us, she knew the people to kick a**!!  You are doing everything right and I hope that things are better today for mum and you.  I am glad you have Christine to support you and I hope she can get things sorted rapidly.  

    Take care

    Nic xx

  • FormerMember

    I so understand your frustrations, Caroline!  I know nurses are busy, but is there really any excuse for their sloppy attitudes toward patient welfare?  The water jug thing really resounded with me, dad had no kidneys and was on dialysis, he was supposed to be limited to 500ml of fluid a day, yet every time he was admited onto a ward usually medical assessment units, cos there would never be a bed available in more suitable wards, he would be given a jug of water!!  Another time, when he was starting chemo for NHL, he was told by the nurse explaining the treatment that he would pee pink!!  Really?  With no kidneys?  That would have been a miracle!

    In my job in financial services, we have to prove that we "know" our customer, perhaps nurses should have to do the same!

    Marsha x