Sunday September 26th - Mixed feelings!

4 minute read time.

I arrived at the ward at 2.30pm today.  Mum was in bed.  She was lying flat on her back and didn't look comfortable at all.  I asked how she was and she said she couldn't move, which of course she couldn't.  Mum is unable to turn over, even onto her side.  I sat her up and got her comfortable with the help of my uncle.  I asked her why she hadn't buzzed for a nurse and she said they had put the buzzer out of reach, which they had!

It was then that I noticed that mums meds for low sodium were on her table with 'TO BE TAKEN' written on a tissue and also her drink for low potassium.  I went to the nurses station and asked the staff nurse if mum should have these meds.  She seemed a bit taken aback and said mum had been asleep so they didn't waken her it was fine for me to give her them now.  She should have had them at 12pm!  I asked mum if she had been asleep and she said perhaps she had dozed for half an hour but had been awake since about 1pm. 

I, then, heated mums stew and fed it to her, gave her a banana and then got her up to take her for her ciggie.  She told me she was wet and asked if I could take her to the loo and change her before we went out.  I had to change her nightie and underwear.  She had on disposable pants and a huge incontinence pad like a nappy!  My mother is not incontinent but she cannot stand up on her own and certainly can't get out of bed and get to the loo.  She told me they never come when she calls and often put the buzzer out of reach.  As mum has been a bit confused (very on Friday) I thought maybe she'd got it wrong but a lady oppostie who is mobile told me that what mum said was true!  We left at 4.30pm and told mum we'd be back at 6.

Kieran and Charlotte came back with us at 6.  Mum had had some tea but wanted a mullerice which I heated in the pantry.  I, then, got mum up and into her wheelchair, wrapped her up warm and we all set off outside.  As we were leaving I noticed the woman to mums right was crying.  I asked her what was wrong and she said she desperately needed the loo but had been shouting for half an hour and no one had come.  I asked if she pressed her buzzer and she told me it had been moved out of her reach.  I got it down and pressed it for her and then we went out to take mum for a ciggie.  When we came back 15 minutes later the lady was still crying.  Her buzzer was still sounding and no one had come.  My aunt went in search of a nurse and told her the lady was distressed.  10 minutes later no one had come.  My aunt went out again and eventually a nurse came, unfortunately too late.  Some of these nurses should be shot!  Needless to say Juliette was not on duty today!

Mum was really bright yesterday but was not so good today.  She is on restricted fluids but her fluid charts have not been filled in and a jug of water is constantly left within her reach.  There is no record of output.  It wouldn't be possible to record anyway as they never get to her in time for her to use the commode so there can't be any way to record it.  My limited knowledge of low sodium and the drugs she is being given to counteract it are enough for me to know how important it is to be clear about intake and output!  The whites of mums eyes looked a wee bit yellow tonight and I am concerned about this.

I can't wait to get mum out of there.  I will ring Christine in the morning and find out what should be in mums notes with regards to fluid intake and output.  I also hope she will be able to get the results of mums scan and maybe be able to give me an indication of how long mum will need to stay in there before coming home or going into the hospice.  It has been so upsetting today because mum is no longer confused and is, therefore, aware that some of the nurses are shirking their responsibilities.  She pleaded with me today to take her home.  I'm heartbroken for her as she feels so frustrated she can't move positions in bed or get up and walk to the loo so that she doesn't need to rely on these people.


  • FormerMember

    This is outrageous, for your Mum and all of these patients. Someone somewhere should be accountable. I hope your Mum gets the help she needs .So worrying for you all. Thinking of you take care.

    Jazz x

  • FormerMember

    Have you put in your complaint yet if not i hope that you will do so soon

    your mums care is appauling there was neer anything written on dads charts but they did measure the water that went in the jug also when he had cups of tea the aux would pour some out so een though nothing was written the fluid was still restricted as he couldnt refill the jug himself

    huge hugs to you and your mum xxx

  • FormerMember

    What shocking treatment from the so-called caring professions.  First thing tomorrow, you must make strongest possible complaint.  For buzzers to go unanswered is bad enough, but for them to put out of reach is disgraceful.

    Whoever is responible for managing the ward needs to be booted out of the nursing profession.

    I am particularly upset by how your mother has been treated because G is due to go into hospital on Friday to have some fluid drained from his chest.

    The last time he was admitted, I had such a battle to get him the treatment he needed.  Daily blood tests were overlooked or forgotten.   He was permamently cold, there were no spare blanket, and to make matters worse the nurses used the excuse that he was on an orthopedic ward to leave what bedding there was untucked. I had to complain to the Chief Executive's office before things improved

    He will be in a different hospital this time, so i can only hope it might be a bit better.

  • FormerMember

    I am attempting to make a formal complaint and will follow it up again tomorrow.  I emailed PALS at the hospital twice last week and had no response.  I emailed the hospital trust on Friday, no response there yet either.  I will not let this drop and the longer it goes on the more determined I become.

  • FormerMember

    Oh dear Caroline,

    So very sorry to hear all this, but unfortunately this appears to be commonplace in many hospitals these days. My own experience with my Mum was similar with regard to neglect and failure to understand that she was unable to get out of bed unaided and if she needed the loo - it was urgent. No amount of asking or "telling" made any difference until I put in a written complaint to the Chief Exec. Even then, it was not a dramatic change, but at least some result.

    Keep going with your determination and strength and put in the complaint. I really hope Christine helps tomorrow. Take care.

    Love to you and your Mum, Rose x x x