Saturday September 11th - Quite a peaceful day!

2 minute read time.

Do you ever get one of those days when you feel a sort of sense of peace?  I used to get them quite often but can't think when I last felt like that and yet today, for some unknown reason, that's how I've felt.

Mum and I had a lazy morning until my Godson Thomas arrived at around 10.  Thomas is such a lovely boy and really enjoys having a good chin wag with mum.  He sat down and proceeded to tell her all about school now that he's in Year 6 and, in particular, his project on Egypt; we now know everything there is to know about how the pyramids were built!

Thomas is 10 and when he was 5 he started dancing.  He loves dance with a passion.  When he was 8 some of the other boys at school started to give him stick about dancing and he stopped going.  I've always felt sorry that, at such a young age, he had felt the need to conform and give up the one thing he loved to do.  Earlier this summer I took him to watch a dance show at my friends dance school and he asked whether it would be possible to go there.  So this morning he went to his first street dance lesson in 2 years and boy did he enjoy it!  The dance school is 15 miles away so there's no fear of anyone from school finding out if he doesn't want them to.  It made me really happy to see the grin on his face the entire time he was dancing.  I also enjoyed spending some quality time with him on his own as, although I see him 3 or 4 times a week, his brother and sister, also my Godchildren, are usually with him and being younger get most of the attention. Afterwards we went to sainsburys and he helped me with the shopping.  So I'm already looking forward to next Saturday.

When I got home Kieran (Thomas's uncle) was in with mum having a coffee and a chat.  If you've read my previous blogs you'll know that my mum absolutely adores Kieran and he adores her.  Mum always goes for a nap at 2 so Kieran and I watched the Manchester United game.  Sadly with just a few minutes to go they gifted Everton 2 goals finishing with a draw!  Kieran is off out to an 18th tonight and it doesn't seem 5 minutes since he was born.

Tonight mum and I are chilling in front of the TV.  At the moment she's watching family fortunes and, obviously, you all know what I'm doing.  Mums legs are still weak but a bit better than they were on Thursday and Friday.  her mouth is still sore but perhaps slightly less than the last two days.  She seems brighter and I put that down to the boys.  She so enjoys their company and she can't help but cheer up when they're around.

Does that sound like a peaceful day?  I don't suppose it does and yet it has been!


  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

    It sounds a perfect day, and I'm glad that you and mum have had a good day with the boys.  Children have that amazing ability don't they to just cheer everyone up, you just can't help but be happy around them.  

    Hope tomorrow is just as good for you and mum.

    Oh, you wouldn't happen to be watching the X factor by any chance would you ;)

    Take care

    Nic xx

  • FormerMember

    Of course I am nic!  XX

  • FormerMember


    Peaceful to me is a day when Dad's pain is not too bad.

    If the kids are running around yelling, the TV is blaring, pots & pans are banging in the kitchen, the dogs are barking and the teenagers' music is causing the house to shake, it's still peaceful as long as Dad's not in pain.

    Kids are a great medicine

    Shelle xx

  • FormerMember

    Aw glad you had such a nice day with mum Caroline.

    My own poor mum was having an op today for a broken hip and was in a lot of pain tonight when I saw her. Hope she's feeling a lot better tomorrow.

    Haven't watched the x factor yet, have it taped.

    Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    glad you both had such a lovely day hun love and hugs to you both