Saturday April 10th - Terrified about mum and I still smoking!

1 minute read time.

Some of you may remember that mum and I made an effort to stop smoking when mum was first diagnosed.  Actually we did quite well at first cutting right down to 3 a day. Then, for one reason or another (not going to make excuses) we reverted back to our 20 plus a day habit.

When mum was told she was NED on Thursday I said again that we really should give up as it was madness, given the circumstances, for either of us to be smoking.  Yesterday we made an effort to cut down and did quite well but today we have made no effort at all. 

I could cry.  I feel panicky when I think about it and yet when I'm panicky and thinking about it I reach for a cig!  I'm scared that mum smoking will make her cancer come back quicker and that makes me panic more.

I'm at my wits end.  I really wish there was a rehab for smokers as I think that's the only way I might stop.  I made up my mind to stop once before and din't touch a cig for 5 years.  I couldn't tell you now why I started again.  I've tried cutting down, cold turkey, patches, lozenges, inhalators and have not succeeded.  My last chance is to try champix and I have thought about going to my GP and asking for it BUT I'm scared because if that doesn't work there's nothing else that will help.  People say if you really want to give up you will but I do want to give up I just can't seem to do it.  Let's face it it's a drug and I'm a drug addict!  

I feel very sad tonight, quite weepy.  Just don't know what to do.  Off to bed now because when I'm asleep I don't smoke.

  • FormerMember

    HI Cels

    I'm really sorry you are still struggling with your smoking.

    I know I have tried to give advice before and as you know I've never smoked, so it's so easy for me to say.

    This is my latest theory - the more you think about something the more consuming it becomes.  Because you want to give up so much that is all you think about. You are stressing yourself out about it so much, of cause you want a cigarette.

    This is an example of what I mean - I have a friend who's father was an alcoholic and he always said that he was never going to be like his dad - but he thought about it so much, it became such a thing with him he has ended up an alcoholic.

    Try not to think so hard - is there something that you can have to replace the cigarette, a treat maybe.

    Also, some people put the money they would have spent on cigarettes into a jar and save up for something - maybe this could be an incentive.  You and your Mum love the theatre, you could save up for a trip when your Mum is feeling well enough.

    Cels - you have done so well - you're just have a little lapse at the moment, don't let this blip upset you.

    Take care

    Jo x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Bert smoked since he was 14, at least 40 a day. He stopped completely the day he was told he had Leukaemia and never had another one, only once asking not long before he died and when I told him he did not smoke he said oh I thought I did, Ho ofter commented about the nice smell in the house and could not stand the smell of smokers around him, he told me he used to think I was just nagging him but the smell is truly awful,

    During our 29 years he tried several times everything that was going he tried but this time he thought it would make him better so he did it all by himself. Willpower is a very strange thing Caroline but it is worth trying again and again as many times as it takes and don't despair if you fail just try again. Think of the money you will save. I saved enough money for Bert's Funeral and that was not cheap believe me

    Good Luck

    Love Teri

  • FormerMember

    Hi my mum has had so very many problems and during investigation discovered that she also has lung cancer - i also smoke and must admit that i have continued to do so - i keep saying it is the stress that i cant stop - i have started to develop hair and scalp problems and keep saying that i cant stop just now - but worry cons

    tantly about my 2 young kids

    i know it is not easy

  • FormerMember

    Good luck with cutting out the smoking - we are all behind you! best wishes,. Jackie

  • FormerMember

    I am a smoker of 35 years and i understand how difficult it is to stop,i am also trying to give up.I am due to have surgery and i am worried that i won't have completely given up by then! Its very difficult when your already going through a stressful time to handle not smoking,although you know that it is the smoking that is may have caused the problems in the first place!.