Saturday April 10th - Terrified about mum and I still smoking!

1 minute read time.

Some of you may remember that mum and I made an effort to stop smoking when mum was first diagnosed.  Actually we did quite well at first cutting right down to 3 a day. Then, for one reason or another (not going to make excuses) we reverted back to our 20 plus a day habit.

When mum was told she was NED on Thursday I said again that we really should give up as it was madness, given the circumstances, for either of us to be smoking.  Yesterday we made an effort to cut down and did quite well but today we have made no effort at all. 

I could cry.  I feel panicky when I think about it and yet when I'm panicky and thinking about it I reach for a cig!  I'm scared that mum smoking will make her cancer come back quicker and that makes me panic more.

I'm at my wits end.  I really wish there was a rehab for smokers as I think that's the only way I might stop.  I made up my mind to stop once before and din't touch a cig for 5 years.  I couldn't tell you now why I started again.  I've tried cutting down, cold turkey, patches, lozenges, inhalators and have not succeeded.  My last chance is to try champix and I have thought about going to my GP and asking for it BUT I'm scared because if that doesn't work there's nothing else that will help.  People say if you really want to give up you will but I do want to give up I just can't seem to do it.  Let's face it it's a drug and I'm a drug addict!  

I feel very sad tonight, quite weepy.  Just don't know what to do.  Off to bed now because when I'm asleep I don't smoke.

  • FormerMember


    I'm sorry for my comments on Chat, I didn't realise how much you truly did want to give up.

    My friends son made a deal with his mum, after being put under pressure at school to try drugs, that if she smoked another cigerette, he would do drugs, he was serious.

    That was 8 years ago, she hasn't touched a cigerette since, she like you had been on 20+ a day, and made several attempts to cut down (she used to say, quitting is easy, i've done it hundreds of times) but until there was something to fight against, she'd not been able to do it before.

    It sounds like you both want to give up, and that you want her to and visa versa. I don't know if it would work in a similar way with you both saying, if you touch a cigerette, I will too, and then it'll fall apart, I imagine that niether of you would wish to get the other smoking again.

    Once again, I'm sorry if I upset you, sending you much love, I hope everything works out for you, I really do.

    P.S. Perhaps you could try doing that and the Champix at the same time?

    God Bless

    Anna  x

  • FormerMember

    Hi there.

    Did you know that nicotine is harder to give up then heroin -fact? You have my sympathies and I speak as someone who gave up smoking years ago. It ain't easy. Where I come from ( East yorks.) there are anti smoking clinics run by the local health authority. Also some pharmacies run there own clinics paid for by the PCT. Both offer support on a one to one basis and both are very successful. There are also group therapies if that suits you better. Is there nothing like that where you live? You sound as if you and your mother need support from an outside agency.

    Above all,don't give up giving up.

    All the best

  • FormerMember

    Anna you didn't upset me.  It's my smoking that upsets me not you!  I actually thought I had upset you.  If I did I apologise it wasn't intentional.

    Gray we were being supported by a smoking cessation nurse who was lovely.  We were down to 1 cig in the morning and 2 at night.  Then our nurse moved on and we got a new one.  She came in and told mum that it wasn't good enough having 3 a day she had to give her a date to stop right there and then.  I wasn't home and when I got in mum was very upset.  I rung the woman and she told me it was a misunderstanding. My a**e! Excuse my french.  Next time she came to see us both she said mum could continue having the patches having 3 a day but I couldn't!  I had to give a stop date or she would stop the patches.  After an exchange of word I told her to sort out mum and I'd sort myself out.  Mum just didn't like her and next time she came we were out.  She left a card saying to call her if mum needed her.  Mum did not get in touch.  So bad experience of local smoking clinic.  Interesting that our first nurse had been a smoker whilst the second delighted in telling us she had never smoked in her life!  

  • FormerMember

    Hi Cell, have you thought about being hypnotized, my friend was and she hasn,t smoked for 6 years, its worth finding out about it, i think your local hospital or hospice have information  about how you go about it, and as you and your mum want to give up so badly you are more likely to succeed. Its no good getting stressed out about smoking it will only make you smoke more, its very hard to stop but also if you enjoy a cigarette its even harder not to be tempted.

    with Hugs Lucylee. xxx

  • FormerMember

    The second nurse you saw,since she made you feel anger and dislike,was not doing her job since she is supposed to be there for support not criticism.Why don't you try again and see if you can get someone else?

    Also give Champix a try. Again it is quite successful and can be taken along with support from anti smoking clinic though you need to see GP first for a prescription.

    There is no easy answer and requires a lot of hard work but I'm sure you can do it. You sound SOOO determined.
