Monday July 12th - The good day was short lived!

2 minute read time.

After mum doing so well yesterday, today she has become increasingly nauseous.  She is surviving on a couple of slices of bread and a muller rice every day.  She won't drink the fortisip and is extremely fed up.  I feel so helpless and just don't know what to do.

Her blood results showed that her potassium level was a tiny bit low but Christine says not enough for it to be causing any problems.  Everything else was fine.  She spoke to mum this morning and, at the time, mum felt ok but by the time I got in from work she felt really nauseous.  She is also tired but is not sleeping well and her legs feel weak, hardly surpising given how little she's eaten recently.

I phoned Christine when I got in and she said there was nothing to worry about re: the potassium but that she had sent the results to mums GP and that he may decide to give her a potassium supplement.  She said it was 0.3 below what it should be but it was something that fluctuated.  Having read about potassium it seems poor diet can cause this, so again, no surprise there as she is not eating a balanced diet, that's for sure.  Christine said mum had said she felt ok this morning so I clarified that she had felt progressively nauseous as the day had gone on.  She thinks mum would benefit from going back on steroids but said last time she mentioned it mum didn't seem keen.  So she said she would ring the GP tonight and get mum some steroids and would check with Dr Mehta whether mum could take them until we get back from Spain as they normally only like people to take them for two weeks.  She says she doesn't think it'll be a problem.

I feel so sorry for mum.  She's sitting here now and it's obvious she is feeling really sickly.  She keeps rubbing her tummy but when I ask her if it's sore she says it just feels 'yucky'.  She's never actually been sick but says sometimes she feels she might feel better if she was.  She says she's going to get the Doctor in again tomorrow as she can't go on like this.  The trouble is the GP is useless and I don't have any faith in him sorting this out. 

I wonder if the anti sickness meds are no longer working and need changing but I forgot to say that to Christine.  If she could get the nausea under control she would eat and that, in turn, would make her feel stronger.  I've made up my mind to take the day off tomorrow so that I can be here when the Doctor comes as I think sometimes mum just gives him half a story.  Anyway sorry for the rant but today has not been a good day!

PS Mum has metaclopramide for sickness but they no longer seem to work.  Anyone had anything that worked for them? 

  • FormerMember

    huge hugs hun hope that you get some joy from gp xx

  • FormerMember

    Has your mum tried Ensure ,thats a supplement and if you mix icecream in to it it tastes nicer. Your mum feeling sick could be to do with all the treatment she has had, and not eating can also make you feel sick, your mum has done so well up to now, i hope she picks up again real soon.

    Love And Hugs Lucylee. xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline, metoclopramide didn't work for me but a drug called Levanan ( I think thats how it is spelt) Worked very well for me.

    Ask your GP about it tomorrow or the nurse.

    Hope you get some joy from somewhere.

    Love Julie X

  • FormerMember

    Hope they find a good supplement for your Mum the sooner she stops from being sick,the better.

    Sounds like you both could do with a good holiday anywhere.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love

  • FormerMember

    Metoclopramide seemed to make me light headed (though it could have been the chemo I suppose). Each time I had the infusion on a Monday I would be horribly sick all night, but not with the tablets over the next 2 days. Eventually they gave me Ondansetron before  the chemo and it  worked so well, but  it obviously depends  on WHY Mum is being sick. Is it possible that the RT has made her stomach sore? Prresumably the blood tests would show if she had an infection - raised white cells? Just guessing here - but surely there are other tests related to digestion etc. they could try?

    I loathed the Fortisip, but the juice version was OK. Freezing it into a slushy "ice cream" also helps and there is a newer version with the same nutrition, but half the size which may be easier to eat.

    This is all so unfair considering how much she has been through and how much you both deserve a break, but hopefully it will get sorted. Maybe your GP could give her an injection of anti-sickness meds to tide her over, but as it is almost certainly related to the RT (that being the last thing she had) or at least the treatments in general over the last few months, I feel her consultant should be checking her out and coming up with a few ideas.

    All the very best of luck for tomorrow. We will all be thinking of you and hoping for some good news. :)