Monday January 31st - Tonight I feel more hopeful!

2 minute read time.

I had very little sleep last night worrying about my welfare meeting today at 1.30pm.  I was dreading it but I was definitely better at coping with going in and was much more communicative than last time.

This time there was a new HR woman as the other one had left since my last meeting.  I wasn't too keen on her as she fired a few questions at me and I didn't think that was her role.  Don't get me wrong I suppose she was being sympathetic but I didn't need to be asked if I felt numb and I didn't need to be told it had taken her 2 years to get over the death of her father! 

Anyway Colette was quick to intervene and was lovely as usual.  We've discussed a phased return and I've asked her to put something on paper that will give me a picture of what the phased return would look like.  We've agreed that she will put together a sort of action plan that I can consider.  She is referring me back to OH so that I can take the action plan with me and discuss it with them.  I will also be able to discuss this with my GP when I next see him so that he can sign me fit to work as long as certain concessions are made to ease me in.  I've told Colette as much as I can't see myself back at work I know I need to get back for my own sanity.  I've also told her she maybe needs to push me a bit.  We've arranged to meet again in 4 weeks time and in the mean time she will sort out the action plan and get it to me as well as arranging an OH appointment.

I am also trying to be more proactive in terms of re-engaging with the real world.  So far I have sorted out 3 social events with friends.  The first is a visit to ChillfactorE with a couple of colleagues who are now retired, I love skiing and am really looking forward to it.  The second is a 3 night break to the lakes with 2 of my old school friends and the third is a few days down in London to spend some time with my friend Nuala, her hubby and her kids.  Tonight I feel a bit more hopeful that things will be ok.  I know I'm not over losing mum but I also know that if I wait until I'm over it I will never get back to work or rebuild my life now that mum is no longer here and mum wouldn't want that.  If she's looking down on me tonight hope she will be happy that I am, at least, trying to move forwards.  So tonight I feel more hopeful!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline

    So glad to hear that your meeting went well and you were able decide on a plan of action that was agreeable to you. It shows how far you come in that you asked Colette to push you a little

    The plans you've made for trips/breaks sound like a lot of fun!

    Massive hugs

    Maxine xxx

  • FormerMember

    Pleased to see that some employers can show compassion and understanding.

    My wife died in October 2010. A week after her funeral I was summoned to a "welfare" meeting with my manager and HR and grilled about what support I needed to return to work. Couldn't even think about work never mind what adjustments were needed.

    Anyway, 3 meetings later and 3 apppointments with Occ Health, last Friday finally came up with a plan for phased return.  Met line manager today  to arrange return to work next week- phased return and other adjustments have not been agreed by business manager and they are not taking advice from Occ Health Dr. So all these meetings and Occ Health meetings have been a waste of time.

    Was also advised by Occ Health Dr that I should be redeployed on medical grounds to a less stressful job, but Local Authority has said that they are no longer redeploying people on ill health as council is making compulsory redundancies. Fortunately, spoke to a solicitor today who told me this was in contravention the the Equalities Act.

    However, I feel that I have been through enough and dont want a battle with my employers. I suspect that they are setting me up to fail as it would be cheaper to sack me and risk an employment tribunal than to make me redundant.

    Sorry for the rant - but it all came as such a shock to me today and hope that my ranting doesnt dishearten others who are off sick. Fortunatley not all employers or managers are the same.

    Best of luck with re-engagement and your little breaks away. Enjoy



  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline

    I am glad that today went relatively well, I was thinking of you and hoping that you would be met with compassion.

    Really good that you have some things planned to look forward to,we all need something to look forward to and it is a step towards the healing process. Your mum would be so proud that you are trying really hard to get your life back, thats what she would have wanted. We both know that the steps towards acceptance are the hardest ones, so baby steps all the way it is! I am right there toddling along with you, stumbling sometimes but slowly learning to pick myself up and keep on going.

    You have been so important to me overthe last few months, and will continue to be so as we learn to live our lives without our beloved mums.

    Thank you Caroline, and I am genuinely delighted that there is a little chink of light. (the skiiing sounds fab!!)

    Love and  big ((hugs)) Sharonxx

  • FormerMember

    lovely to read your making plans xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Caroline, just read  your blog.  You have made real positive strides to getting on with your life by making dates with friends.  All these dates will need paying for and work pays - I know your mum was such a big part of your life (have read about you) and, yes, she would be pleased you are making positive steps towards living your life now.  If you could see where you will be this time next year I wonder where you would put yourself - just imagine.  I sincerely hope that place is a good one and you have now started to achieve baby steps towards living.  Work is a big step towards that good place and I wonder whether you need a change of job, but you can't do that unless you go back to work and assess your work/life balance.  Good luck Caroline you don't get over grief but you will learn to live with it in the end.  God bless Ann x