January 22nd 2010 - I feel dreadful, what's wrong with me?!

1 minute read time.

Don't know what's wrong with me.  I haven't slept well for about a fortnight, something I usually don't have a problem with.  I feel headachy, light headed and my muscles ache and yet I don't think I'm physically ill.  I would understand it if I'd been like this when mum was first diagnosed but she is doing so well and I don't think I'm worrying consciously, yet I don't feel right.  

I just feel absolutely exhausted.  I have no energy and feel very low.  This morning I got up for work but just didn't feel well enough to go.  I feel so guilty as it's my mum that's ill not me and school have been so good in allowing me to take time off to take mum to appointments etc. but I just didn't feel well enough to go today.

I had M.E. about 10 years or so ago and I'm worried because I feel very similar to the way I did then.  I can't afford to get ill as I need to look after mum and I know she is worrying about me because she can see I'm not right.

Any other carers had a sort of delayed reaction to diagnosis?  I'm interested to know if this is par for the course and if it will pass.  I can't begin to describe how tired I feel.  I go to bed feeling rough and get up feeling rough.  It's got progressively worse this week and it's really worrying me.  My friends say I should go to the doctor but, to be honest,  I wouldn't know what to say and don't think he would be able to help.  If he asked me what I felt was wrong I would say I'm exhausted, have a constant headache, feel lightheaded, have muscle aches and am struggling to sleep.  Not much eh!?

Oh well this blog has always been a diary of how mum is gong on but today I've had a rant about myself.  I am currently in bed (1.35pm).  I got up at 6 for work and have just come back to see if I can maybe get some sleep.  My vision actually feels blurry with tiredness.  If anyone has experienced this please let me know.  I need to make sense of it and get back to being the strong, practical person I normally am. 

  • FormerMember

    Hello Caroline

    Im sorry you feel so awful at the moment. I can totally understand how and why you feel like this. When I was a carer for my family members I felt like you do now..I. like you was used to caring and all the worry that comes with it..I didnt have time to be ill and to be honest I think i kept going on black coffee and adrenalin lol..but you can only go on so long before you start to become exhausted..

    My vision is affected when im tired or run down too. I wish i could offer you some answers and help ((hugs)) all i can say is that you do need to take care of yourself,,could you try some herbal sleep remedies? i know you wouldnt want to take sleeping tablets because you need to hear your mum at night.

    I know you say your work place have been very understanding, it may be that if you see your GP he would sign you off work for a while, after all you need to be well to care for your mum..and it definitely sounds to me as though you need a rest from doing so much.

    I hope you feel better soon Caroline and i wish your mum well too she is such a brave lady isnt she,,

    Take care

    love scarlet x

  • FormerMember

    hi Caroline,

    I totally sympathise with you but as others as said it is perfectly normal to feel like this but please go to your GP and get signed off. It sounds as though you could do with a rest and your mums mind would be at peace as well if you saw your gp.

    Take care of yourself

    Love and hugs to you and your mum


  • FormerMember

    Sorry to hear your'e not feeling so well. The feelings you describe are just what i am going through at the moment.  I am sure that when we need to deal with a sudden crisis we carers somehow find hidden strengthe to cope with the situation.  Then when things calm down again, the reaction sets in and that is when we feel total exhausted.  Please take care of yourself.  Your mum needs you to be strong.  I hope the you soon start to feel better, love to you both   Daffie

  • FormerMember

    Sorry to hear you're feeling unwell Caroline. I'm sure it's an  entirely normal reaction to everything that's going on in your life. Look after yourself and see your GP, otherwise you'll be in no fit state to care for your Mum.

    Glad your night out went so well.

    Love to you both


  • FormerMember

    So totally relate to what you are saying, as you know my mum was diagnosed with nsclc in may and has just finished chemo and radio, but I feel worse now than ever, strangely I work in a school too, and find it hard everyday to get myself motivated to go. I feel everyday in shock and disbelief about my situation, and don't seem to be able to get positive although I know she is doing ok at moment, so I can totally see where you are coming from. Please feel free to email me anytime you  need a chat curt3007@ntlworld.com
