Friday October 29th - A wee wobble!

1 minute read time.

First of all the trip to London was fantastic.  Billy Elliot was amazing and Thomas, Charlotte, and even Kieran, danced and sang their way back to the hotel.  On Thursday morning we went to Covent Graden, having done Westminster Abbey, Houses of Parliament, Downing Street etc on Wednesday when we arrived.  We had a great time and headed back to Nualas for tea at around 3pm.  We left Nualas just after 6pm and were home by 10pm.

It's already a week since mums funeral.  I've been keeping busy and surrounding myself with friends and family and haven't cried at all.  This morning I got up around 9am and felt ok.  I watched a bit of breakfast telly and then got ready to go down town to close mums bank accounts and still felt ok.  Nuala phoned around 10 to check we'd got home ok last night and I said I was ok.  I, then, came off the phone, dissolved in tears and couldn't stop.

I had a good old cry and then headed to the bank.  As I type this I feel ok but I am surrounded by sympathy cards, they're everywhere.  I feel I should take them down now but am hesitant as I feel I need to read them again and I know that will probably send me on another wobble.  Anyway I don't think I'll do it tonight I'll wait until tomorrow morning when I will do it!

I also have to start to sort through all mums stuff.  Gillian and I sorted out most of her clothes before I went up to Scotland as I was taking most of it up to my aunt, mum and her were much the same size.  However, there are still lots of other things to be gone through and I feel I need to get it done sooner rather than later.  I've sat around most of today avoiding it but tomorrow is another day and I will make a start.

So today I've had a wee wobble and I know there will be others but I'll just take it one day at a time.

  • Some people take great strength from the words of sympathy and written sympathy cards; my mother certainly did when my father died. I was only 19 but I did NOT want to read or acknowledge sympathy. Our response to grief is individual.

    My mother-in-law, who loved my father-in-law deeply, wanted to empty the house of ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING that might remind her of  him and their long and happy marriage.

    We are all different - no way is RIGHT... No way is WRONG.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline, So pleased you had a great time in London. Like you say take it one day at a time,it is very early days for you . Be kind to yourself and take things easy. Take care  Love  Sue  xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

    Pleased to hear you had a lovely time in London.  Don't give yourself a hard time if you don't achieve something you set out to do, it will be done when you are ready.  

    Love and hugs  Jacqui xx

  • FormerMember

    Caroline it is early days for you ,there's no rush to sort your Mums things out.,you will know when the time is right.You had done everything you could to make your Mums last days comfortable, and she has left a big void in your life.You were so close to each other and all the happy memories and good times you both shared will get you thru this sad time.Take each day as it comes, some will be good and some will be bad ,but that's what greaving is and in time it will heal you.

    Love And Hugs Lucylee. xxxx

  • FormerMember

    The wee wobble has become a big wobble!  Can't stop crying.  I miss my mum so much.  This is the first day I've really spent on my own since mum passed away and it's really hit me that I'm not going to see her again.  My heart is breaking.  I've been putting on a brave face for everyone and now that I'm on my own the flood gates have opened and I can't seem to shut them.