Friday October 29th - A wee wobble!

1 minute read time.

First of all the trip to London was fantastic.  Billy Elliot was amazing and Thomas, Charlotte, and even Kieran, danced and sang their way back to the hotel.  On Thursday morning we went to Covent Graden, having done Westminster Abbey, Houses of Parliament, Downing Street etc on Wednesday when we arrived.  We had a great time and headed back to Nualas for tea at around 3pm.  We left Nualas just after 6pm and were home by 10pm.

It's already a week since mums funeral.  I've been keeping busy and surrounding myself with friends and family and haven't cried at all.  This morning I got up around 9am and felt ok.  I watched a bit of breakfast telly and then got ready to go down town to close mums bank accounts and still felt ok.  Nuala phoned around 10 to check we'd got home ok last night and I said I was ok.  I, then, came off the phone, dissolved in tears and couldn't stop.

I had a good old cry and then headed to the bank.  As I type this I feel ok but I am surrounded by sympathy cards, they're everywhere.  I feel I should take them down now but am hesitant as I feel I need to read them again and I know that will probably send me on another wobble.  Anyway I don't think I'll do it tonight I'll wait until tomorrow morning when I will do it!

I also have to start to sort through all mums stuff.  Gillian and I sorted out most of her clothes before I went up to Scotland as I was taking most of it up to my aunt, mum and her were much the same size.  However, there are still lots of other things to be gone through and I feel I need to get it done sooner rather than later.  I've sat around most of today avoiding it but tomorrow is another day and I will make a start.

So today I've had a wee wobble and I know there will be others but I'll just take it one day at a time.

  • FormerMember

    Thats the way to do it one step at a time. Wobbles are fine go with your emotions don't bottle them up.

    There is plenty of time to sort out your mums affects. Do it when you feel stronger. It took me 18 months to give my hubby's clothes to charity, I still have the last outfit he wore and his holiday shoes and its been 4 years. His wallet and things are in a box in the loft. It apears that you are doing ok.

    I am glad you enjoyed your trip to London you deserve it.

    Yake Care Lots of Love Julie X

  • FormerMember

    Glad you enjoyed your visit to London. Give your self time to grieve Caroline its early days yet. Most of the things you need to do will wait untill you feel stronger.

    Love Rosie

  • FormerMember

    Glad you enjoyed your trip to London with the Family. It will take a long time for you to get over your Mums Death. As you say one day at a time.

    All the best and good luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember


    Glad to hear you had a great time in London, i'm so jealous!

    It's OK to wobble Caroline, have a good cry then pick yourself up. Try not be too hard on yourself it's still very raw for you.

    Massive hugs

    Maxine xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

    Glad you had such a great time in London and that it took your mind off things for a while anyway and showed you life can still go on.

    I agree with the sentements expressed by your other friends - do not set dead lines when thing have to happen ! - why subject yourself to pressures no one else is placing on you ?

    It takes as long as it takes and no one but yourself is judging you - so maybe you go easy on yourself please. Take time out to reflect on the better times - OK know you have some raw and tough memories - but maybe keep in mind - Your Mum Knew You Loved Her !! - no one could of done more than you did ! - Take care and take your time

    Love and hugs Mate

    John xx