Friday July 9th - Mum still not good!

2 minute read time.

I'm not quite sure what's wrong with mum but I know there's something.  She says she's still not great when I ask her what's wrong.  She's back on anti sickness meds 3 times a day but as yet they don't seem to be working.  She is eating, but not much, and says she just feels nauseous.  She also says she is bored sitting around the house all day and night and I'm not surprised. 

Unfortunately I am really busy at work and am getting in late.  This weekend I'm taking Kieran to Hull Uni on Saturday and then am in school filming all day Sunday so not only is she on her own all week but also all weekend.  I was also fiming all day Saturday and Sunday last weekend.  I feel really guilty but there's nothing I can do.  After this weekend my weekends, at least, will be free to take her out and about.

Yesterday was also my dads birthday.  He would have been 78 but, sadly, we lost him to a massive heart attack when he was just 51, 2 years older than I am now.  Mum was younger than me when he died.  Neither of us mentioned it but I'm sure it has been on her mind as it has mine.  I wonder whether a lot of her problem at the moment is more to do with low mood that physical issues.

Christine, her nurse, rung today and then sent the district nurse round, within an hour, to get mums bloods done.  She will get the results on Monday.  She also suggested that mum may need to go back on the steroids.  We don't have a problem with this as the twice she has been on them, for a period of two weeks on each occasion, she felt a lot better but we understood it wasn't a good idea to take them for longer than two weeks at a time.  Is this right?  Can they cause side effects that are better avoided?  Any advice on this would be appreciated.  She will also change mums anti sickness meds if she is still nauseous after the weekend.  Yet again Christine has been right there when we needed her.  Anyone know what they're looking for with the blood tests?  She's not had her bloods done since she finished chemo at the end of March.  Might her white count be low?  Would that make her feel like this?  As usual any insight would be gratefully received.  

  • FormerMember

    Thanks for all your good wishes.  I must admit to being a bit panicky tonight as she had a couple of fits of coughing and it took me back to when this all started.  I'm so frightened that it's back already.  Really don't want to leave her tomorrow but I can't let Kieran down as I promised I would take him.  I just need her to be well for our holiday in 3 weeks as she is so looking forward to it and I know it would lift her spirits but I've noticed the cough over the past couple of weeks and it seems to be happening more frequently.  I'm very scared to be honest and I think she is but we are both trying to hide it.  Thanks for the info about the steroids John if they make her feel better she'll happily take them.  Good to know that they can be taken more long term.  You are right that quality of life is so important.

  • FormerMember

    hi off to hull in morning to Hull Citys pre season open the players , see the new kit and visit my mum afterwards

    hoping the docs can sort your mum out..


  • FormerMember


    You should take a rest have a day off or two,give your body and mind a chance to recover from all this worry. Let your Mums medical team do the worrying for a change. If you keep going the way you are you will be in no state to go on Holidays.

    Or just keep going the way you are and then both you and your Mum will end up Ill.

    Take care and keep safe Big Hugs Love

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

    I hope you have a lovely day today with Kieran looking around Hull Uni.  

    Sorry your mum is not too well.  I remember about 6 wks after mum's radio she picked up a nasty cough.  You know what its like after treatment, it can leave your body susceptible sometimes to picking things up.  They are prob checking for infections, like Jenni said.  Try not to worry too much.

    Just think, 2 more weeks and the schools break up -i know my friends at work are counting the days!!!

    Take care

    Nic xx

  • FormerMember

    I'm so glad they are checking your Mum's bloods as I am sure the explanation could be there, whether an infection or more likely low red cells making her feel tired and lethargic. It always has had that effect on me and the times when it was bad enough to have a transfusion, I also felt nauseus.

    I put it down to low red blood cells having a similar effect to being anaemic - tired, breathless etc. and that could make her cough too.

    It's a shame that things are always so busy at the end of the Summer term - can some one else pop in and see her or take her out in the car once in a while?

    Hope it is all sorted out very soon - a holiday is just what you need and it will be good for you to have others to share your worries with too!