Friday December 10th - The welfare meeting

3 minute read time.

I had very little sleep again last night, the welfare meeting hanging heavy over my head.  I cried on and off all morning and at 11.30am was tempted to just not turn up.  At 11.45am I bit the bullet and got myself into the car.  I arrived at school at 12pm exactly and made a dash through the door and upstairs to Colettes office.  My heart pounding and my stomach churning I knocked on the door and went in before I was asked, worried that I would turn and flee if I hesitated even for a second.

Colette introduced me to Maggie, the HR woman, and then asked how I was.  I mumbled an answer.  Did I want a coffee?  No thanks.  Was I sure I was ok to be there without anyone with me?  Yes.  Had the counsellor helped?  No.  You get the picture.

I, then, got concerned as I had been told Maggie was just there to take minutes but she was starting to speak.  What she said came as a surprise.  She said she was going to leave us to it as she felt Colette and I would be better on our own.  She told me she'd just be downstairs and if I needed to know anything with regard to the process just to give her a shout.

She left and Colette tried again.  Let me go and get you a coffee.  Ok.  Colette left the office and set off to the coffee machine.  I took a few deep breaths and gave myself a talking to.  Colette returned 5 minutes later and it had given me time to calm down a bit.  We talked, stilted at first, but as we talked it did get easier.  She couldn't have been more supportive.  We talked for an hour and by the time I was leaving I think we both felt better, I certainly did.  There was no pressure to return to work, far from it.  She told me we didn't need to talk about when I would come back but she wanted me to know she was happy for me to have a phased return and we could look at that again later.  She outlined how she thought it could work and it was more than fair.  Starting by just being in the building for an hour or so to see friends for a coffee.  Maybe teaching one day a week then two, not on my own but alongside Suz, who is covering for me at the moment.  She assured me that she wanted to do things the way I wanted but needed to follow the protocols.  As I left she gave me a big hug.  She walked me out to the car and said we'll meet up again in January, once I've seen the counsellor.  We agreed no more emails we need to keep talking and she text me later to tell me it had been good to see me.

Tonight I feel quite a bit better than I have for the last week or so.  I felt she listened, and more to the point heard, what I was saying.  She also asked about my friends who she said were really worried about me and wanted to see me but didn't want to intrude.  She mentioned Clare and Julie who were the girls that came to see me just after mum passed away.  So I told her it was fine if they wanted to come over but to text first.  Tonight they have both been in touch and are coming over on Monday after work. 

I spoke about being in a very dark tunnel on my blog a bit ago and said there had been a little chink of light.  Since then the tunnel has got darker and darker and I felt I was floundering around in the pitch black.  Tonight I can just see another wee chink of light and that has to be progress.  I've still got a long way to go. I expect the tunnel will be plunged into darkness many more times along the way.  I've no idea how long it will take me to reach the light but, I do know, I will get there and mum will be with me, just as she was today, and will always be, in my heart! 

Finally, I wasn't going to put a christmas tree up this year but I've decided I'm going to get one tomorrow.  Mum wouldn't be happy if I didn't.

  • FormerMember

    Caroline, as I said earlier I am so pleased that today had a positive outcome and that you felt you got the support you deserve. I am glad that you have arranged for your work friends to visit, I  am sure that they are concerned for you.

    I am glad that you have decided to put up you christmas tree,as you know I found it hard but i am glad that I have done it, like you I know it is what Mum would want.  So I will be thinking of you tomorrow when you put up your tree,it wont be easy but it is a little step towards normality -what we have to hope we can once again acheive, even if it a different kind of normal. I  am going one day next week to help my stepdad put the tree and deccies up, Mum always did theirs.

    Anyway, love and ((( hugs ))) and heres to that chink of light becoming a chasm one day xx

    Love Sharonxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline

    How lovely to hear you feeling more positive! So glad that all went better than expected and the air is clearer. Can't wait for the day when your small chink of light turns into great big rays, as you say you will get there, it just takes time and at last you feel you are being given that time. Just remember if you have a bad day it doesn't mean you've gone all the way back to the beginning, it's just a bad day and they're allowed.

    Massive hugs

    Maxine xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Celi

    Sending you Big ((((((((HUGS)))))))).

    Love, Maureen

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline

    I'm so glad things went well and here to the light growing larger and brighter and the know that your mum is right in the middle of that light xxx

  • FormerMember

    hi celis

    glad your seeing a chink of light in the dark,keep on walking towards it

    love plum xx