
2 minute read time.
Well, not really that much to report apart from it was my day off today from going to mothers, so as I do every day I don't go, I rang her at 9.30 ( it has to be 9.30 as that's the time she says is the most convenient for her!) Apparently great uncle had fallen out of bed, the carer found him and called the paramedics. He haven't been on the floor too long because he was still warm, they reckon he's had another mini stroke ( I've lost count ).. They wanted the doctor to come out to him but apart from that there was nothing they could do as mother insisted that under no circumstances was he to go into hospital...this has been a long standing argument with me and her, but for now I'm letting it be. The doctor knows how manipulative mother is because she kindly called me this afternoon to fill me in, she knew that mother would be telling everyone that I couldn't be bothered to go over...not the case at all, the paramedic spoke to me and told me not to rush over as they were happy to leave him back in bed with the doctor calling later, and the carer would be back at lunchtime.. We, the doc and I have decided that because Gt Uncle is so frail, that apart from Amoxcillin we should let nature take its course..A terrible decision I know, but if you knew just what a gentle, private, kind man he was, to see him so confused, and unable to do anything for himself due to the blindness and of course his legs just give up on him too, he just sits in his chair and sings a song occasionally..When I was there on Monday I gave him a haircut ( not that we'll, but at least it tidied it up, and trimmed his tash..he's not keen on this as it makes him sneeze! We had a giggle and we had a lovely long hug, he whispered in my ear ' your the nearest thing I have to a daughter, and your my angel'!! Bless his heart...Love him to bits. So we will have to just watch this space, I'm going over tomorow to take him a casserole, braising steak cooked long n slow and a chocolate trifle, his all time favourite!! Andys away again tonight so I'm having a bit of a pampering know, plucking eyebrows, painting toe nails and because I'm on my own a bar of fruit n nut with a brandy chaser...ooh err!! Hope everyone is calm and content..Mandy.xxxx
  • FormerMember

    Poor Uncle. He sounds a lot nicer than your mum ... and I've just realised that all the cliches I was about to trot out about how Sometimes It's Kinder etc are exactly the same cliches I trot out when anyone I know loses a pet. Ulp. I'll be away to brush up on me social skills, then ...

    Enjoy your choklit, you well deserve it!


  • FormerMember

    Hiyah, I think i said it all some where else... anyway, sweet uncle and how lovely of you to make him his favourite food :) Your mum has to be in the running for most difficult... she even rivals mine and that takes some beating!!

    So you lazy good for nothing daughter enjoy your evening... sounds fun!

    P cooked me dinner. It was vile. wish i could have yours except for the fruit bit. What is it with you lot taking perfectly decent food and adding raisins to it... weirdos!

    Living up to your name again I see... nails, eyebrows, chockit... all at once

    Big squidgy hugs to you


  • FormerMember
    Haha...your right Hilary he's much nicer than mother!! Don't worry about your social skills they are just fine!! And just what is wrong with raisins?? I love em., well in a bar of Fruit n Nut.. Don't complain about P cooking your dinner...Andy doesn't even know where I keep the plates, the odd time he's made a cuppa he looks like a rabbit cought in the headlights..Bloody useless in the kitchen! But that's fine with me..he has his jobs and I have mine and that's the way I like it. Good for nothing daughter signing off!!! Big hugs to you two too.xx
  • FormerMember

    Jealous?  Much!  Loves fruit and nut chocklit me like!  Your uncle sounds like such a lovely man.  He's obviously so grateful for everything you do for him bless you.  Hope you are enjoying your pampering session because if anyone deserves it you do!

    Much love,

    Nin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Awwww dont you just want to adopt people like your uncle....and I bet he makes visiting your mum less of an ordeal.     Got any choclit left I seem to have run out?   Could swap for a bag of jelly babies what i hid then found when looking for something else. XXX    Culotte