Tuesday's are meant for running away!

1 minute read time.
Don't remember which of us, me or Andy suggested it, but we decided to have a day off from everything! I lied to mother and told her I had to work in the office all day, if I told her we were going to have some time to ourselves I would have had some comment along the lines of ' alright for some' or ' yes just leave me to cope alone'!! So we just put our coats on, got in the car and buzzed off... We had a FAB day. We went to a very expensive shop and pretended that we were wanting a new kitchen!! We spent a good hour chatting about kitchen styles, granite, double fridges...all the things we can't afford ( and don't really want) I wanted to carry on and go and test drive some swanky cars but Andy was getting a bit bothered how easy I was getting into my roles!! Bought some sarnies from M & S and went and sat on the swings in Abbey Gardens in Bury St Edmunds and fed the squid ills with our left overs...it was just lovely to not have the hassle of my usual daily routine, and also not have the ear bashing to go with it!!! Got home later than we expected, to find the youngest dog couldn't cross his legs any longer ( probably, knowing him he did it as a protest!!) and had peed ...but it wasn't an issue cos I was so much happier and calmer. So I feel I've recharged my batteries a little and ready for tomorow and whatever it brings.. Much love to ou all. Mad Mandy.xxxx
  • FormerMember

    Hurray, hurray, for running way for the day. (I'm made up for you).

    Now you've got the hang of it, make it a weekly secret gettaway, it'll do you and Andy the world of good. But make sure you don't get carried away in those salesrooms and end up coming home with a mighty big double fridge and nowhere to put it haha :)

    Much love and a big hug,

    Take care


    Jan xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hahahaha!  Fabulous idea Mandy and you need to keep doing this.  We all need to escape sometimes and it recharges the batteries to keep us going.


    Much love,

    Nin xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    OK - how much is it worth if I don't tell yer mum!!!???!!!   LOL

    Well done you - try to make it a regular escape!   ;-)


  • FormerMember
    Thanks so much everyone... Been another tough day and yesterday seems so long ago....I feel another trip on the cards I'm already thinking of places to go, perhaps house hunting next , I could be a property developer looking for another project?? Yeah I like that idea, think that will be my next little scam! Hilary, Colin,Janique, Scraton,Little My, Jan, Nin and Margaret.....your all stars and have given me so much support, a big thanks to you all.. Mad Mandy.xxxxx