Tuesday's are meant for running away!

1 minute read time.
Don't remember which of us, me or Andy suggested it, but we decided to have a day off from everything! I lied to mother and told her I had to work in the office all day, if I told her we were going to have some time to ourselves I would have had some comment along the lines of ' alright for some' or ' yes just leave me to cope alone'!! So we just put our coats on, got in the car and buzzed off... We had a FAB day. We went to a very expensive shop and pretended that we were wanting a new kitchen!! We spent a good hour chatting about kitchen styles, granite, double fridges...all the things we can't afford ( and don't really want) I wanted to carry on and go and test drive some swanky cars but Andy was getting a bit bothered how easy I was getting into my roles!! Bought some sarnies from M & S and went and sat on the swings in Abbey Gardens in Bury St Edmunds and fed the squid ills with our left overs...it was just lovely to not have the hassle of my usual daily routine, and also not have the ear bashing to go with it!!! Got home later than we expected, to find the youngest dog couldn't cross his legs any longer ( probably, knowing him he did it as a protest!!) and had peed ...but it wasn't an issue cos I was so much happier and calmer. So I feel I've recharged my batteries a little and ready for tomorow and whatever it brings.. Much love to ou all. Mad Mandy.xxxx
  • FormerMember

    YAY for running away from your parents. I did it when I was 18 (they found me again, unfortunately), and I would recommend it to anyone, at any age.

    I'm glad you had a lovely day, fibbing to salespeople and all. I suppose the dog pee put a bit of a damper on things (see what I did there?), but even so.


  • FormerMember

    Well done Mandy! You need to keep this up.

    Colin xxx


  • FormerMember

    LOL Hilary.Its a good idea to recharge your batteries Mandy.It will help you cope.Every carer probably needs to go somewhere and scream because you cant do it in front of an ill person.Take care.HUGS xxxxx

  • Well done Mandy and perhaps you may have to tell Mother unfortunately working on Tuesday may have to be a regular thing 

    Caring is tough and you deserved a much needed break hope you have more days just to enjoy a little free time

    Big Hugs

    Scraton xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hooorah for running away! Do you have squids in Bury St Edmonds? hmmm more exotic than I thought... might have to pay a visit.. especially as you have swings too.. I'm with Hilary on recommending it. I have done it a few times myself...

    We all need to run away and do fun stuff sometimes and you need a break from all you have to do cos caring is blooming hard work.

    I suggest you make it a regular feature in your calendar.

    Keep having those days cos one day you will be older and no longer a carer and you don't want to have forgotten your life and loves along the way if that makes sense? probably not.

    Keep in touch with us though when you are on the run!

    Lots of love to you

    Little Not Mad My xxx (well, it was worth a try...)