No Mother I can't move in with you!

2 minute read time.
I'm not going to scream, because I don't have the energy. But I will moan... I've already told mother that we can't build her an annex as we are listed ( thank god) and now she's got a bee in her bonnet about me moving in with her because ' it's a lonely life'!! Er, I do have a husband!!! Apart from the fact I cannot and would not move in with her because she's lonely, I can't get over how she would actually let me leave my husband..???? Is it me? Am I being selfish? She's not had any more symptoms regarding her tumour lately, apart from muddled words and slow speech at the end of the day when she's tired ( although I sometimes suspect that's down to her swigging back the whiskey!!) I have a carer going in twice a day, she's overrun with neighbours popping in on her., I do her shopping, washing, iironing, cooking and cleaning... And she lives an hour away! I was hoping that because uncles now gone and things are settled at mums I could try and back off a little, but it seems that's impossible. Im sometimes a bit stupid, and dim , but I'm not a hypocrite...and I want my life back! So yeah I'm selfish!!! I'm also going to be in her bad books because I've cancelled her credit card....It had to be done, Yankee Candles buy the dozen (£18 each) from QVC are not essentials.!!! I'm not fed up guys so don't think I'm asking for sympathy, I just fancied a moan...So there I've moaned. On the upside I've nearly got a swanky new kitchen where I can practice my Margo techniques... (kaftan included!) And on Wednesday I've got a SPA DAY..LIttle My, think of me lording it by the pool in my too tight swimsuit with a cocktail!! ( yuk to the swimsuit bit) I'm sooo looking forward to it and the friend I'm going with is just as dizzy as me and we usually get into some sort of pickle..last time it was my car alarm that was going off for ages while I was having a massage and had to run out in my dressing gown and slippers..not very elegant but hey ho! Him indoors is taking this week off to do some things that involves diggers and such, so that could mean anything from redoing the garden to digging up the drive?? ...All good fun! So that's my little life, but for all those who are having a rough time right now Im sending lots of Norfolk hugs and wishing you all you wish yourselves.. Xxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi my mad friend Mandy,

    Hope the spa day went swimmingly as they say and you got quite squiffly too.  You trully deserve some time out and don't feel guilty about it, your dare!!!!!!!  That's the trouble with the demading mum syndrome, whatever you do away from them they put the quilt trip on you and there seems no escape arrrrgh!!

    Why oh why are they soooooooooooo selfish? And every inch you give they want another three!! 

    Mandy my love I think we are soft hearted and easily manipulated by our mums and yet  strong person in other situations.  It's just the way it is and the only thing to do is grab those away days now and then and be strong on the big things like moving in and such like.

    I have set up a weekly timetable which I hate 'coss really i'm an impulsive person who hates routine, but it's the best thing for mum.  She knows now whn she sees me and when not.  And I must say in the first few weeks she threw her dummy on the free days and called me rotten to my daughter which is quite disgusting eh!??  But she's got used to it now and I see her 4 out of 7 days, she spends 2 days at mine till 7pm and I take her out shopping and for lunch on one day and one day to do stuff round the house for her.  It is woking well and I enjoy my three days off.  Do you have a timetable or do you think one could work for you???

    Take care

    Jan xxx