Mad Mandy's happy Monday!

3 minute read time.
Left the house at 7-30 this morning...urgh was hard work I can tell you, probably because I'd had 1 extra brandy ( bad influences on this site..!!) Sainsburys first port of call to do mums shopping and I must say, it was bliss scooting round without it being packed with screaming kiddies, why are they allowed to scream? But then again it could be me that makes them scream when I pull faces at them!? Off to post office to collect the oldies pensions, had a lovely chat with the postmistress who's promised to vet all post that's to go to mothers and redirect her QVC parcels to I can return them! ( mother surely must get sick of ordering and not receiving any of the items!) Mothers to deliver everything. She was ok, obviously trying to keep it together for me so we had a chat and told her I'd go visit uncle then come back and relay everything to put her mind at rest..I had to chuckle, she went from saying ' I do hope he's ok and they feed him his food because he can't see to do it himself' , then the next minute she's saying ' can you allocate a day to come sort his room out, I'd like a new bed in there and all his old clothes sent to the charity shop!!!!).. He's only been gone 3 days!! And it's only meant to be temporary! When I got to the nursing home I was bait shocked to see uncle in the day room full of elderly ladies and he was the only chap?? But it turns out there are 3 day rooms and he'd chosen this one!! He was confused at first and didn't recognise me for a minute but soon came round,he told me that he'd got a wonderful bed and it was SO big, and his room was wonderful...he had no complaints! A nice lady had offered him breakfast so he ordered his tea, toast and marmalade ( no change in 30 years) and very nice it was too. Then she took his plate away. 5 mins later another lady came and asked him what he'd like for breakfast.....tea, toast and marmalade please!! He's not as daft as he makes out!! So we had a giggle about that and he reckons he's going to try the same at lunchtime!! I took him some slippers because he says some 'bugger ' had taken his others ( he's never had a pair..refused to wear them) so he's gonna keep a close eye on these..! He did ask where Irene was, (mother) I told him shed gone to see a friend for a few days and he was quite alright with that? Isn't it strange, all the worry about him going into a home and he's as happy as larry thinking he's in a hotel!! When I went to leave I hugged him and said I'd be back in a day or two to check up on him and make sure he wasn't causing too much chaos , he said ' you come back whenever you want my love, and I've never told you this befor but I couldn't love you anymore than I do'!!!!! Oh my lord, I was so happy, it just meant to me that although he's muddled and confused, he does from time to time have lucid moments where he's my lovely lovely uncle.. I cried all the way back to mothers, but as I said earlier I was also happy that he really did know what he was saying..I'm sure of it. Told mother the story of the breakfast and how clean and content he was but daren't tell her about what he said to me, she wouldn't like that, she'd think he should have been saying it about her... So I'm home and relaxing, knowing that my uncle is safe and well..phew! Let's hope he gets two breakfasts tomorow!!!! Thank you all my mac friends, you've all given me so much support I feel very blessed.. Xxxx
  • FormerMember

    Yay! Mandy, goos news at last.

    Still scurrying about though, you make me tired just reading about it ... Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Look after yourself,

    Lovely Welsh cwtches,

    Odin xxx

  • FormerMember

    That should be "good news", not the feathered variety!


  • FormerMember
    Haha..I make myself tired too!! Cwtches to you as well. Sooo slee......y.zzz Xxxx
  • FormerMember

    Oh Mandy i'm so made up for you really. See, it's all coming together for you girl, hurray. I just loved reading your blog and it's made me go all goosebumpy. I'm so glad your Uncle is settling in to his lovely new 'hotel' hehe, and may he enjoy his two breakfasts every morning eh. So glad too that your shared a loving and close lucid moment, it shines through on here the love that you both have for oneanother.

    I suspect your mum will soon settle to her new routine too. You made me laugh about all the QVC stuff she never recieves haha, where on earth does she think it's gone or does she forget she's ordered it hehe. Oh well, she has fun whilst watching and sending for stuff but doesn't have the bill, so that's very theraputic isn't it. I'm still chuckling as I type this :). Things us daughters have to do eh??

    Love and hugs and take care,

    Jan xx

    ps When's your next timeout day?? I think you're due one and take Andy too, you'll enjoy some time together, just for you two eh xx

  • FormerMember

    Aww. That last bit with your uncle made me cry. Now I can't see to type, so just lots of *hugs*.
