Celebration of a true gentleman..

2 minute read time.

As most of you know uncle passed away today,I was with him for 3 hours just holding his hand and talking to him. I knew he was going to die and was prepared ( in my own way) for it. I said all the things I wanted to say to him and thought long and hard about staying another hour. Rightly or wrongly I decided to leave him. Drove home to hear the house phone ringing..it was the nursing home, he'd passed away an hour after I left! Just my luck..but then thinking of it I don't know if I'm sort of glad I wasn't there at the end as I'd already said my goodbyes and to be honest I didn't feel as though that was my uncle in that bed?!? The nursing home have been fantastic, that's definately on my list of thank yous. So now I have the funeral to arrange and have decided its not going to be a somber affair, he will have the union jack flag on his coffin because he was so proud of his army career, I will do the eulogy which will be full of all his annecdotes and little things he used to say and do.. Most of them funny. Then we will raise a glass to him at the local pub and chat some more with all his old 'cronies' ( his name for them) And celebrate just how good a man he was. So I've dedicated tomorow to do sod all!! Because Friday will be getting the death certificate and registering the death and then on to the funeral directors...and in the meantime sorting mother out!! She has been very stoic actually!?! Not what I expected. I must just tell you what she said when I told her he'd passed away.." make sure you get that bond out of his, that can go into my account"!!!!!!! Er no it bloody can't because it's still his.. Untill the wills been sorted! Boy does she begger belief!! So we are now on a new chapter, not one I'm looking forward to because now the attention will be all on mother, whereas befor I had to split my time between the two of them. Will keep you posted, but thank you so much for all your kind words I feel very lucky to have so many lovely kind friends who find the time to just be kind.. Thank you. And for those who are struggling themselves please give yourself a big pat on the back for being strong and brave. Hugs to each and everyone of you...Did someone mention Gin??! IM OFF...xxxxx

  • FormerMember
    Hey guys, thank you very much or have I already said that somewhere else..?? Yes I know 2 G&Ts and I'm in a world of confusion!!! I'll hang on to the big girl pants for a while then, but I tell you what.. At the end of the day there is nothing nicer than taking your big pants off !! Will keep you all posted on the next installment of my mad life!! I know it's a big week for a few of you on here and although I've been a bit quiet these last few days, that doesn't mean I'm not keeping my eye on you!! I do think of you all and am very lucky to have you as my friends ( even if you are all nutters!) Now gonna let it all hang out...off with the big girl pants! Xxxx
  • FormerMember

    Nutters? us???

     I have loads of really big girl pants aka  invincibles going spare as of Friday if you want them... or I'll get you some womble knickers....though i suspect they are not for big girls ...

    You enjoy your gins and we are lucky to have you as our friend :)

    Big hug xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mandy,

    What a wonderful send off you are planning for uncle.

    Your mother is lucky to have such a caring daughter and as LM says we are lucky to count you as a friend.

    Do take care of yourself,

    Big hugs,

    Odin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Lots of hugs lovely Mandy

    You're a wonderful daughter to your mum and a wonderful niece to your Uncle.

    Hope you really do have a day doing nothing today :)

    That's definitely quite a send off you have planned!!

    Big hugs xxxxxxxxx