Celebration of a true gentleman..

2 minute read time.

As most of you know uncle passed away today,I was with him for 3 hours just holding his hand and talking to him. I knew he was going to die and was prepared ( in my own way) for it. I said all the things I wanted to say to him and thought long and hard about staying another hour. Rightly or wrongly I decided to leave him. Drove home to hear the house phone ringing..it was the nursing home, he'd passed away an hour after I left! Just my luck..but then thinking of it I don't know if I'm sort of glad I wasn't there at the end as I'd already said my goodbyes and to be honest I didn't feel as though that was my uncle in that bed?!? The nursing home have been fantastic, that's definately on my list of thank yous. So now I have the funeral to arrange and have decided its not going to be a somber affair, he will have the union jack flag on his coffin because he was so proud of his army career, I will do the eulogy which will be full of all his annecdotes and little things he used to say and do.. Most of them funny. Then we will raise a glass to him at the local pub and chat some more with all his old 'cronies' ( his name for them) And celebrate just how good a man he was. So I've dedicated tomorow to do sod all!! Because Friday will be getting the death certificate and registering the death and then on to the funeral directors...and in the meantime sorting mother out!! She has been very stoic actually!?! Not what I expected. I must just tell you what she said when I told her he'd passed away.." make sure you get that bond out of his, that can go into my account"!!!!!!! Er no it bloody can't because it's still his.. Untill the wills been sorted! Boy does she begger belief!! So we are now on a new chapter, not one I'm looking forward to because now the attention will be all on mother, whereas befor I had to split my time between the two of them. Will keep you posted, but thank you so much for all your kind words I feel very lucky to have so many lovely kind friends who find the time to just be kind.. Thank you. And for those who are struggling themselves please give yourself a big pat on the back for being strong and brave. Hugs to each and everyone of you...Did someone mention Gin??! IM OFF...xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Sending you massive hugs and love my lovely ........... and you must feel happy to have spent so much good time with him, including holding his hand today. Often people wait until we leave the room before they decide to pass on, its something I have noticed over the years!

    Your mum is at least being consistent in her behaviour!!

    And it sounds as though he is gonna be sent of fin style, he must have been so proud of you and I think you're one amazing person.

    Gin?? hang on......................................................... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    I've just sat down for the evening and got myself a glass of wine and laptop to catch up with my friends on Macland.

    So I hereby raise my glass to your Uncle and celebrate his life which sounds a full, loving and wonderful one, CHEERS TO MANDY'S UNCLE AND REST IN PEACE.

    As you know Mandy, I nursed the elderly for 15 years and have been priveledged to be a part of many passings.  It is weird how most are very near to leaving this world but wait until their relatives have left.  It's as if the goodbyes are done and peace is upon them and the time is right.

    My sincere condolences to you and your family Mandy, and as i've said yesterday, you will stay strong 'cos you have to, keep those big girl pants on just for now.  Oh go on then you can take them off tomorrow and have a chill for a day. 

    Take care

    Jan xx

  • Mandy you are an amazing woman and I think uncle knew that. You and he shared a lovely special relationship.i am pleased you had the time to say what you needed to say to him.There is so much to do when someone dies so taking a little time out before all the rushing around starts is important.the funeral you are planning for uncle sounds like your are doing him proud and I am sure his cronies will be pleased with the flag will be thinking of you sending you massive hugs Cruton xxxx
  • FormerMember

    RIP, Uncle. And *hugs* to you, Mandy. Hugs to your mum, too, for once - for one thing, she's old and ill, it would be wrong to kick her, and for another I'm sure she's mourning in her own way. Though most of us wait until the body's cold before we start thinking about the money!


  • FormerMember

    Cheers to your wonderful Uncle! I would raise a glass of something good for him, but its fortisip all the way here tonight. All the same, Cheers, Uncle!

    Sometimes people wait until you have gone away to die as they don't want you there. So, you could have stayed an hour and he would have waited an hour. The hospice nurse told me that sometimes people die while their relative is in the loo.... so, it was meant to be and you said your goodbyes to a special man.

    Make sure you now split your time between your mum and YOU! Don't let her take all of it. You need to look after yourself too.

    The biggest hug to you Mandy cos i know how special he was to you.

    Little My xxx