Brain tumours and Dementia

1 minute read time.
Two whole days of constant ramblings from Gt Uncle, for anybody who's seen my other posts you will know we have had the queen mother at the back door ( but he was very disappointed in her hat!) we've had ships going passed the front of the house! Then there were foxes in the garden, then ants all over the kitchen, on the wall on the floor on his there was me mother and Gt Uncle all stamping on these ( invisible ants..t) he then decided to throw his cup of tea all over the floor! While we are all stamping on the ants..the doctor turns up and lets herself in, I don't like awkward silences so asked her to help stamp on some ants!!!!.. It's been decided that he's got a chest infection again so he's now on antibiotics which we know will get him back on track but it's so wearing , especially when he's hallucinating so badly, he also refused to go to bed last night, so I slept on the chair downstairs with him,.but the doctor says we should leave him downstairs alone after unplugging all electrics so he can't attempt to cook like he did on tue!! My main concern was what if he fell in the night?? She didn't seem at all concerned just that mother needed to have her sleep in order to cope during the day. Seems unkind really, I asked about some respite care but she was of the opinion that this would cause more confusion for him and it's best we struggle on?! I'm at home now and hope he's a good boy and goes to bed when the carer comes, and not call her 'bouncing Bertha' or say she looks like a lump of lard, like he did the other day! She's a great girl and totally understands, thank god! Mother is a tad more tetchy today because of lack of sleep but also because she's not had her daily dose of buying from QVC...I hid her credit card (oops) Think I'll have 40 winks!! Mandy x
  • FormerMember

    I know what you mean about trying to please everyone and ending up piggy in the middle eh. I understand why your hubby would feel a bit left out. He's used to your usual routine together and enjoys it but now that things have been plumetted into caeos he doesn't know how to cope. I'm glad you managed a bit of time together but he needs to see the way you're stretched thinly at the min! Is there any way he can take part, so he feels he's in the circle?? Maybe go to the shops for mums or uncles provisions or doing things for you that you don't have time to do at the min??

    Hope I don't sound prosumptuous, it's not my intention. I'm a born organiser and have a list for everything. I'm known as rabbit in our house (from Winnie the Pooh), thanks for that! my family, i didn't want to be bossy, controlling rabbit. Grrrr.

    Oh and by the way, don't ever think of yourself as selfish, bloody hell, far from it eh, if you step back a min and have a look. So try to get timeout for you and your hubby and enjoy it.

    Good luck with sorting more support this week, GO GET EM GIRL!

    Take care


    Jan xxx

  • FormerMember
    Hello lovely people... Oh hell where do I start?? Phone call early this morning from mother (BT and 86!), Great Uncle(90) fell out of bed again! Told her to call paramedics and I'll get my clothes on and shoot over... Arrived just befor paramedics were leaving, got uncle downstairs, no damage although more confused than ever and very very disorientated,( I think he's a yellow colour too) I tried to get thier opinion, but they were quite 'non commital'.sort of..'well you see he's not Ill enough for hospital and not quite fodder for a home'!!!!... But they would get in touch with the doc on call and take it from there. The carer then arrived so between us we washed and dressed him, although he was very cross at us for messing him about and to just leave him be... Stripped his bed, which was badly soiled, bless him, put bedding in bin bag and shoved in bin..I'm not taking that lot home to wash! Rushed to Sainsbury to buy him a new dressing gown cos the one he has is about 30 years old and probably not been washed for all those years..yuk! Bought some baby beakers so he doesn't spill his drinks along with a few ready made sarnies cos I'm starving hungry and no chance of grabbing a bite for some time. Returned back to mothers wher uncle is convinced there lions and tigers in the house, shood them out of the back door! Told him I'd sorted the fire that was burning the hearth ( wasn't of course) and pacified him about his slippers..he was convinced someone had nicked them, and he hoped they tripped and break thier bloody neck! ..put his slippers on and he was happy for a min. Tried to teach him to use the beaker...he kept saying it was bloody broken!! Told him it was bought JUST for him and no one else was allowed to use it... Very happy with that, and managed it brilliantly! Made them lunch and said I was going back home...mother not best pleased with me because the windows needed a clean!!! She can stuff do mine but theyr not likely to get done either! Have rang mothers mac nurse ( she's the only one mother will listen to.. ) she is away till Wednesday but is going to go see her ASAP. To talk about moving uncle to somewhere he is safe, whether for a week or long term not sure, but this situation cannot go on. Phew, it's funny but while all this is going on all I kept thinking of is ' I wonder what my friends in Macland would tell me'! I so appreciate all your input,Colin, Jan x 2, Nin, Scraton ( what is your reall name)! And thank you so much. When your in this pickle all your kind words really do help me.. Now off for a cuppa..Bless you all, I know you all have your own problems, I m sending you all a big hug.. Loony Mandy.xxxxxxxxxxx