Brain tumours !

2 minute read time.
.8-15 am mother rang to say uncle had fallen out of bed again! I chucked on my clothes. Made Andy breakfast and a sarnie for lunch( cos I knew it was gonna be a long day) Set off for mothers, why don't children walk to school anymore? All the mums driving the kids to school drove me mad. The carer had been and left by the time I'd got there, she had got him back into bed and changed his pad but that's about all, mother was in a state because the district nurse happened to call to dress uncles leg ( bed sore), mother was finding it difficult to speak..her voice had just given up! And she had a tremendous headache. Got her settled while I took the nurse upstairs to have a quiet word! Explained the whole sorry story to her because this was her 1 st visit and had no background!! Laid it on extra thick that I live an hour away and mother wasn't coping at all well with uncle as well her own illness. She said she would ask the doc to call. Took a bowl and flannel up to give him a freshen up and while washing him he starts singing 'tie me kangaroo down'!!! Laid him down again to sleep still singing..bless him. Doctor arrived at lunch ,I only know it was lunchtime because the carer had come back.. Took doc upstairs and woke uncle up.. Bellowed down his ear ( he's deaf) the doc wanted to check him out, 'tie me kangaroo down' again!! Doc took blood and checked him out all the while uncles still singing.. Told the doc this has to stop now! I was very firm and told him that I wasn't prepared for mother to deal with any more falls or calling paramedics and we needed respite NOW! Took him downstairs, and he explained to mother that the situation as it is now isn't sustainable and he would be referring him straight away for respite!!! Yey He left and I'm not kidding 30 mins later the phone rang... The social care team?? We're putting him down for immediate emergency respite and did we have any stipulations as to where we wanted him to go.... Blast Me I was gobsmacked at how quick this had happened, after all the asking I'd done and got nowhere...think it was the Tie me kangaroo down that did it!! So apparently we have to sit n wait for the call.... Pacified mother and told her I'd get her to a neighbours for a cuppa when they come for him, it's only going to be a short stay but because she's looked after him for 30 years she's devastated that he has to go away.. Finally managed to calm her and bade farewell...cos I was knackered and starving hungry! Stopped at the garage for 10 cigs...only 10 because I've given up ha!! Love to you dare I have a little glass of wine with my cig...??? Bliss.
  • FormerMember

    Gee Mandy!! What a time you've had but glad you got such a swift result! Well done you!

    Yes! Have a glass of wine. That's the least you deserve my girl!

    Love Zute xxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    At last Mandy, result eh. Having to be firm and pushy is the only way. He will be assessed whilst in respite and now he's in the system properly I think you'll finally be able to breath again. It must be a difficult one for your mum too 'cos her routine and familiarity has just been smashed eh. But and a big but, it's certainly for the best, especially poor Uncle, who deserves the 24 hour care this country should be giving him.

    So pleased for a good result and hope things go smoothly for you now, so fingers crossed. Hope you had that fag witha a glass of wine and then another one.

    Love and hugs

    take care

    Jan xxxxxxxxxxx