A send off for uncle H.

3 minute read time.
Gosh so much as happened I don't really know where to start, uncles funeral is next Thursday, so have got my teeth into sorting that out. I didn't realise just how much ther is to do and all in the space of a few days..makes me wonder how and why some of those big fancy weddings take so long to sort out? There's going to be a representative from his regiment, he will have the flag on his coffin (mothers orders) and the last post (mothers orders) ill be doing a reading, if I don't bottle it at the last minute! Oh and my nephew who's in the Paras is coming which is meant to be a suprise for mother. Flowers ordered, music sorted, pub for a buffet afterwards sorted..just wish I could sort the weather out, I'd hate it to be a grey day. My sons coming down from Derbyshire on the Wednesday with his 'partner' and little girl Ava, she's 2 and is just wonderful, I'm so excited to see her I cant wait! And the best bit is after the funeral they are staying the Thursday night and leaving the Friday morning...But leaving Ava with me!! Yay. She will stay with us in Norfolk and I intend to have so many adventures with her, we are going to the seaside, we are going to have a picnic in the woods with the 2 pooches and grandpas going to take her on the tractor, in fact we will get up to so much mischief, can't wait. There is one little problem...I haven't yet told Andy! He's not likely to be thrilled at all the commotion, he likes his routine thank you very much..but on this occasion I think my needs are greater!! Anyway hel enjoy it when she's here..! Mother..Mmm, well I've given her a notepad to jot anything down she thinks would be appropriate for the funeral. I thought it would be good to keep her involved while really it was me doing the sorting...she's driven me mad with the bloody thing! The list is endless, it really is never ending! She's very tearful which i understand, but I'm worried about when everything has died down( poor choice of words..oops) and she really is on her own..that's when she will go downhill. I did have to have words with her today, as you may know, mother likes to meddle and generally cause me grief from time to time..well she rang my son up and told him this conversation was between him and her and not to tell me, but could she have my exes number ( sons father) so she could ring him and inform him of the funeral but not to tell me!!!! Of course having the best sons ever, what did he do? ..rang me and told me!! Why oh why does she want to speak to him, it's been all of 12years since she last spoke ( I presume) but the thing that upset me the most is telling Edward NOT to tell me!!! What a terrible to do! I was as mad as a wasp. Anyway, i had it out with her. She was most apologetic saying she didn't want to upset me but thought he should know of the funeral ( yeah righto..then she should have asked Edward to tell him) it's all so she can have a bit of 'one upmanship'. I don't like that, in fact I feel really let down by her, having bust a gut to make sure everything is as she wants..the hundreds of nagging phone calls I get from her, the mileage I do every week to keep her and her house running, ..and she tries to put my son in that position...so cross!! Anyway, enough moaning. On the whole I'm happy with how it's panning out, let's just hope mother doesn't put another spanner in the works....cos one thing she hasn't thought of is IM in charge of her and her wheelchair!!!!! ( evil laugh)! I've also been thinking of those special few who are going through thier own battles ( you know who you are) I don't always post on here, but I do keep my eye on you all! Mahoosive hugs to you all.xxxxx
  • FormerMember

    Oh, your mother. It would be wrong to shove her in on top of the coffin, wouldn't it? (Yes, Hilary. VERY wrong.) But really!

    You're doing splendidly, and I hope that having a littlie to keep you company will stop you from getting post-funeral whiplash. While you're so busy organising there's no time to get upset, but sometimes it hits afterwards.


  • FormerMember
    Hi honey , sounds like a lovely send off and you won't bottle it cos he was your special uncle. I hope the weather and everything pans out so you have a special day:) mum in a wheelchair is good hahaaa! You have control and she can say whatever. she won't spoil it cos if she starts you can wheel her into another room! Mwa hahaaaa And yay for grandaughter coming to stay ... Sounds fun! Lots of love to you and a really big hug Little My ps isn't it wine o clock. By now??? Sorry for mad phone stuff xxx
  • FormerMember
    You two even post at exactly the same time..! Don't go giving me ideas Hilary, I may put my other son Joe in charge of wheelchair duties..She really would be in trouble then as she's not on his favourite people's list!!! Did someone mention wine?? Xxx
  • Hello Mandy you are indeed the best multitasker if you lik I will sneakily bring the bin and you could tip mother in it and I will take her and lose her for a few hours were there are no phones or QVC.You are certainly doing your dear uncle proud and it sounds like he is getting the send off he deserves.I am sure you will manage to do your reading cause it's important to you to be able to say those words.Mother will try to make the occasion about her no doubt and I guess she will miss him when reality hits home.Hils s right you need to give yourself a break so enjoy being with your grandchild doing all the fun things you have planned switch your phone off for a while and re charge your batteries much love huge hugs Cruton xxxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Mandy,

    You really are multitasking! I'm very proud of you. If mother starts to give trouble on the day, why not borrow the ravens and if your Mum starts they will squark  so loudly no one will hear her!

    Enjoy the time with the little one; I'm, quite jealous! You desrve everything to go well and you certainly won't bottle it because he was so special to you.

    Love and hugs,

    Odin xxx