My Lovely Wife Julie's Birthday

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Julie would have been 53 today. 

It should have been the 36th time I was to say Happy Birthday Darling.

To take my mind off the day I spent the weekend with my sister and her Partner in a cottage in Wales. My mind was diverted and the day has passed without major trauma.

Leon collected Julie's mum and took 5kg of ashes to spread over her fathers grave.  Mum is now happy that Julie is at rest on Holy ground and in a place that she can visit.

I am a little dissapointed in myself that I don't feel bad.

But I still feel empty.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Stuart,

    Julie is at peace and in the only place that really matters, in your heart. Julie, you have now reached the point all woment desire, You will never age a day and be just as beautiful and loved in 10 years time as you are today Love and hugs to you and your family on your birthday.

    Stuart, Stay strong Mate - Friendly hugs to you too


  • FormerMember

    Hello Stuart, will you please stop that disappointment feeling now.  You have every right to feel exactly how  you want whenever you want - you nursed your wife every single day/hour until she could cope no more.  Your marriage and love is between  you and Julie, no one else.  Please take more of those weekends away and if you feel you want to remember Julie's birthday, do something for yourself that she may have liked and remember her with love.  Her body's not here Stuart but your love and her love are everlasting.  God bless, love Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Stuart

    Love and hugs to you

    My Veronica would have been 40 on the Sat 20th Aug

    They both be in our hearts forever

    Love Janice xxx

  • FormerMember

    I have just read all about your amazing wife. I am so sorry for your loss and the pain you both suffered. Your love for her sounds like the best feeling in the world. I am sure she is looking down on you and wants you to be happy.

    Please take care Love Kaz x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Stuart, I'm glad you got through the birthday relatively unscathed. Don't feel bad that you're not feeling worse, it's very early days and the numbness lasts a while, then it'll wear off and the pain will come. We were advised at Christies that often counsellors don't offer services until 12 months after the death because that's when it's really kicked in. My grief is different to yours because I lost my dad but 3 month on I'm only just starting to think about the fact that he is really gone and not coming back. My mum isn't feeling sad, she's angry. At him, at me, at my brother, at her friends, at the whole world in general. Everyone deals with it differently. She was your soulmate and it's going to take time to process the fact that physically she's not here anymore, but she'll always be in your heart and your memories, that can never die. Stay strong and be kind to yourself, love Vikki xxx