My Lovely Wife Julie 4

1 minute read time.

Back Home today, Hurray..........but..............

A full day starting at 8.30am with the last Radio to the head.  Meeting with the Onc that should have been at 10.40am didn't happen til 11.50am but she did say we could go home today.  A planning session for the Sacrum area followed and at 1.30pm we were back on the Ward to tell the Sister we could go home.......

We wait for Discharge note.....................

5.15pm julie is asked to vacate her bed to wait in the day room, her discharge note is on its way with her drugs.............................

7.15pm - after 2 hours sitting in her Wheelchair, Julie is very uncomfortable.  The ward have provided some pain relief but Julie is completly knackerd from the long day and in tears so I get our coats on and I inform the Sister that Julie has had enough and we are going home.  There is a flurry of activity and a letter, together with most of the drugs appear within a couple of minits, and we are out...........?  

With the most sarcastic voice I could muster, without shouting and within earshot of the Doctor responsible, I asked the Sister to thank whoever was responsible for the 5 hour odd wait for the discharge notes, and we left.

Ten past Eight and Julie is tucked up in bed

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sadman,

    Good for you, sorry for Julie at least it ended happily.

    Look after eachother and Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sadman

    Lovely to hear Julie back home after your  long wait

    i remember once waiting hours for injections for Veronica then when we got home they were the wrong dosage never mind these are sent to try us

    keep in touch

    take care love janice xx

  • FormerMember

    Even as a health care professional it makes us soooo angry sometimes when all we need is a doctor to produce a disharge spell or the pharmacy to dispense some medicine or other. As a student nurse and not in the 'numbers' on the ward (supposedly!!) I have made the trek down to pharmacy to pick up meds so as not to keep people waiting any longer. The reason for this being I have been on the other side with mum so often, all she wants to do is get home. The last time she was in in took her to be reduced to tears too as she was an outlyer from the medical ward and getting a doctor to do the discharge was a nightmare. Hope Julie had a peaceful night and you are spoiling her with treats in bed this morning. X

  • FormerMember

    hi hun

    good for you youve found your voice sometimes you just need to in those hospitals ....i did the same when i was in... they left me in my room for hours waiting on a dr giving me meds so i just got dressed packed all my stuff up marched to the desk and announced i was off and i was giving them 5 mins to get my meds sorted if not i was gone !!!

    so happy you have your julie home again thinking of you both love jenxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi, glad Julie is at home at last.

    This brings back memories of my poor dad who was going in to have a stent inserted into his bowel. He was left sitting in a waiting room while they tried to find him a bed. After about two hours I complained and a doctor was sent for and a bed was miraculously found.

    On another occasion, he was sent home until the following morning with the promise that his bed was being kept for him! Once again, he had to sit in the waiting room while they found him a bed. When they eventually did find him a bed mum and I left him and as soon as I got home dad phoned to say the procedure had been cancelled till the following day and could I go collect him. The following day he had to wait for a bed yet again!

    It is absolutely shocking that people with cancer are treated in such a manner.

    I hope Julie feels more comfortable now she is at home and can rest as much as she likes. I wish her well in her recovery.

    Christine xx