My Lovely Wife Julie 17

Less than one minute read time.

The Diamorphine was increased at the weekend to meet pain levels.

Julie looks at me with a blank expression that is making me feel very lonley.

Conversations are very one-sided.

Are we near the end ?, I don't know, nobody does. 

Forward planning does not exist.

Company is a box of soft tissue

  • FormerMember

    Hello Sadman, my thoughts are with you and Julie.  Ann x

  • All my sympathy to you.Although I am, to date, a BC survivor,  I watched my much-loved sister pass because of breast cancer and toward the end I wished her gone. Sounds an awful thing to say, but when all hope is lost then one wishes for a speedy release for the one you love.

    I wish you every strength.


  • All my sympathy to you.Although I am, to date, a BC survivor,  I watched my much-loved sister pass because of breast cancer and toward the end I wished her gone. Sounds an awful thing to say, but when all hope is lost then one wishes for a speedy release for the one you love.

    I wish you every strength.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Sadman; Thoughts have been with you since our last conversation in chat. I do hope that it is just the diamorphine that is doing what its meant to do regarding the pain that is causing Julie to have this expression. She may well still hear you Stuart, but just cannot talk at moment or show her emotions. Julie knows you are there no doubt. A wee squeeze of your hand might get a touch back, its' worth a try.  Like John says make each day and hour count. Much warmth being sent your way from all of us xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Have been reading your blogs for a while. Thinking of you very much. One thing i will say is keep on talking to her. Even if she isn't talking back, she can hear you. If you find it difficult to talk, try reading a book out loud to her, or even singing along to favorite songs to her. It is a fact that hearing never goes even if Julie is not talking back, she can hear you. Also holding her hand, brushing her hair, things like that, she will be aware of you touching her. i also hope it is the morphine that is making her unresponsive. You take care.